To start off this busy Saturday, we treated ourselves to fancy iced lattes. We went to Red Eye for the Butterbeer latte, in honor of Harry Potter’s birthday tomorrow, and they even had some tiny chocolate frogs left, which Emerson of course instantly claimed for herself. 😉
A local politician had set up a little campaign event there today, unbeknownst to us before entering, but they had a little buffet of fruit and snacks and muffins and bagels set up, so Emmie had a little plate of fruit. She realized she loved “camel-ope” and I had to go back to get seconds for her.
We got to pet this tiny 9-week-old baby Pitbull named Coco on our way out, and she was so wiggly-waggly and sweet.
We had breakfast together across the street at Whataburger… and then went our separate ways.
Jeff went back home to do both computer work and yard work for the day. The girls and I made a quick stop at the Goodwill bookstore, where we saw one of Emmie’s old teachers who works there now, and they shared two giant hugs, and we got Emerson a little tiny puzzle for $1.
Then we met up with Grammy for a girls’ back-to-school shopping trip. We went to TJ Maxx, Walmart, CVS & Target. And had lunch at Firehouse, by Emerson’s choice.
After our last stop at Target, we headed back home to Grammy’s house, where I sat in the car with Addie to let her take a little 30-minute car nap before heading inside. And then it was time to go swimming to try to cool off some today!
Emerson’s swimming skills have really improved just this summer, and she’s doing so well! Earlier this summer, she wouldn’t barely even jump into the pool straight to us, while wearing her floaty. Now, she’s just in there swimming under the water, not even plugging her nose the whole time, and just swimming everywhere.
I let mom go sit down and watch the girls play for a while so she could get some rest and wear her bone-growth stimulator for her back, and I took over cooking dinner on their big giant fancy gas stove. It was simple, but it was yummy – ham steaks, yellow rice, and the best Old Glory seasoned green beans.
We did bath time there at their house, Emmie put on her jammies she got today, and then we showed off all of her new stuff we got today, to Grandmommie and Papa. She of course had to put on her backpack and carry her lunchbox and water bottle around, to really show it off.
We loaded everything up and headed home shortly after that. We stopped to pick up dinner for Jeff on his way home, since he had just finished all of his yard work. We went through the Arby’s drive-thru (it was the least out-of-the-way option on the way home), and I ordered him a #1 with a Coke… but then they forgot the fries when I checked the bag. When I asked about it, the guy (nicely) was like, “Oh I didn’t ring you up for fries.” They ended up making us some hot & fresh, and didn’t even make me pay for them, but I was so confused why ordering “a #1” wouldn’t come with the fries!? So weird, right?
Anyways… we unloaded everything, and Daddy ate his dinner and we all had lots of loves and sat around in the living room together for a little bit, before starting on a really late bedtime routine tonight. I found she had these little lamb-skin mittens in her bed, and when I asked her about them, she was like, “Oh! You found me out! They fit my hands, but they don’t fit the season of summer.”
After finishing Emmie’s routine with her, I came back to the living room to find these two not quite asleep, but still watching “Kung Fu Panda” together. Jeff went back to love on Emmie, and I tucked Addie into my chest, put on the water noise video, and she was asleep in about 30 seconds flat.
Emerson skipped her nap all together today, and Addie only had a few short car cat naps. But both girls were so great and sweet all day, even with so much activity and running around. These are just the best girls ever! On the way home tonight, two or three times, out of nowhere, Emerson sweetly and quietly said, “That was a fun day, Mama.” And it really was!
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