So some days, I have pictures of things other than Emerson. However, today is not that day. Literally every photo is of her today!
So I actually woke up super early this morning after a terrible, crazy nightmare, and had a hard time going back to sleep. But then when I did finally go back to sleep, I accidentally slept through my alarms, and woke up about 45 minutes too late. So we got to school just in time for breakfast! Emmie went right to her chair, and sat down at her plate to start eating.I started a new audio book this morning, and I’m not all that into it yet. It’s a memoir of Kenny Leon, who was born in Tallahassee, and went on to be a pretty famous broadway director. He even won a Tony Award in 2014 for Best Director for Raisin in the Sun. Anyways, the narrator’s speech pattern is a little strange, but maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to sound, based on the way it was written? I don’t know. The whole thing is only like 5 hours though, so I’m sure I’ll keeping listening to the whole thing.
And here are all the photos we got from her teachers in our parent app today.
And I’m still just loving all these fun details Ms. Kristin is including in the daily report this week. My favorite part today is, “Now it’s nap time. I was tired and I went right to sleep. But I’m the first one up!” This girl just does not like naps!
We had a simple dinner at home for the first time tonight since last Thursday. It was so nice to just be at home as a little family, eating dinner together and listening to a record. Emmie ate really well, but she was also being so silly and giggly.
And then we had a decent bath time! We started by watching two kiddie bath time videos on YouTube, and talking about how much fun the little kids were having. And then we filled up the water, and put in the bubbles, and let her throw in every. single. bath toy, before slowly, gently, sweetly, lifting her into the tub as well. And it went good! There were still a few moments of fussiness (mostly when pouring water on her head), but this was the best bath in the last month!
Crazy hair after bath time, and helping put on her night time lotion, followed by gummies and bedtime books. And then she was almost sound asleep after just a minute or two.
I finished the series finale of Gilmore Girls (again) last night, and sobbed my way through it (again). I’ve watched a couple episodes of FRIENDS while blogging on the computer, and I think Jeff is falling asleep early in in the living room. So I think I’ll go find myself something new to watch on Netflix or Hulu!
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