
Last night, Emerson actually stayed at Grammy’s house for a sleepover. All the way home, Addison kept looking over, saying stuff like, “Emmie! Get Emmie!” Poor girl was worried about and missing her sister. Then this morning, with only one kid in the house, we got busy doing some more chores. First, I watched “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life,” while folding about five very overdue loads of laundry.

Then I fed Addie every single bite of her mac & cheese for her lunch, while she paid very close attention to “Luca” on the tv. She then took a nice long 3.5-hour nap, while Jeff and I continued cleaning.

We worked hard getting the front dining room / library super tidy, in tip-top shape, so everything would be ready to get the Christmas decorations set up, hopefully tomorrow. (Although, now it looks so nice, I just wanna keep it like that for a few more days, before adding more to it.) We actually decided we’d slightly change the location for the tree, so we took down the keyboard, and moved one of the cozy chairs to where the keyboard usually sits. The tree-location-change will give us more space around the dining table, which is usually too crowded with the tree too close.

Meanwhile, Emerson got to go out shopping and to big-girl lunch with Grammy and Papa, for some special time with them all by herself, which she rally loved.

I went and met them out at Hobby Lobby to pick up my girl. When we got back home, Addison was still napping, so Emerson and I finally puzzle-glued (while wearing pink blue-light glasses) her unicorn puzzle we put together way back in the very beginning of October. She wants it framed and hung up in her room, so now we just need to find a frame for it, maybe at Walmart tomorrow…

Emerson helped me wash dishes again, and we completely cleared out the sink again of all the stuff from the past two days. And since Addison was still sleeping (the longest nap today!), I started reading “Little House in the Big Woods” out loud to Emerson. She actually laid on the floor next to me, coloring a bookmark for us to use while I read.

And since the dining room had been so cluttered lately, I never actually got to play my new 1989 (Taylor’s Version) vinyl I got in the mail a few weeks back. So today was finally the day! Once I knew Addison was finally awake, I put it on to spin for about 10 or so minutes, while we got everything packed and ready, before leaving to head to Nana & PopPop’s house. But this aquamarine vinyl is just so pretty, and looks great with all the other blues and greens in the house. (Can you guess my favorite color?)



When we finally woke Addie up, the girls were being so sweet together, because Addie was so excited to see Emmie again. Emmie got one of the ukulele’s down off the wall, and was singing and “playing” for Addie.

Then it was finally time for dinner at Nana & PopPop’s house. This year, we chose to spend all day Thursday with my family, and most of the day Friday with Jeff’s family, so that we didn’t have to rush around all in one day. It also meant we got more time with both families, to take it slow and easy, and just chill out before and after meals. But instead of the traditional turkey dinner, Nana made a very delicious pot roast, but we still capped it off with traditional pies for dessert.

Please make sure you look closely at this photo, to ensure you see the pumpkin all over this little girls face.

Nana and I played three rounds of dominoes with Emerson (Addison played her own little game off to the side for a bit in the beginning), and Emmie quickly beat us in the first round.Then I got lucky and won the second two rounds, even after the two weirdest games of dominoes I’ve ever played, just due to weird circumstances and bad draws.

We changed the girls into their jammies at their house before loading up the car and heading back across town for home. Jeff switched over another load of laundry, while I fed Pretzel and changed Addie’s diaper. Then I did Emmie’s bedtime, while Jeff did Addie’s bedtime. He went to sleep early tonight, so I’m going to finish up the last “fall” episode of the “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life,” and then probably read a little before my own bedtime.

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