Emerson went marching into church this morning with her Gatorade and chocolate cereal bar, looking adorable in that little swan dress and cute boots!
I went to my own Sunday school class, and then volunteered in Emerson’s class during the worship hour.
We went out with the family for lunch at Grub Burger bar, but this princess slept through most of it, after a rough morning not really eating or sleeping during church.
And this bleu cheese burger with caramelized onions was sooo good!
Emerson wanted to go home with Grammy and Papa after lunch, but we didn’t have any other clothes, so we actually ran into TJ Maxx really quick to buy her a play outfit, and then sent her on her way!
This pitiful girl was exhausted and starving, and she screamed and cried the whole way home from lunch. But she was so pretty in this fancy hand-me-down dress of Emerson’s, that I still wanted to get a picture of her before changing her into some soft clothes.
She was happy and smiling once Mommy carried her around for a while, then I fed her the bottle and she instantly fell asleep. I held her for a while, but I was getting really tired myself, so I laid her in the crib, and then took a short little nap on the couch myself.
Emmie got to nap with Grandmommie, and play in the swing, and just hang out a bit with her Grandparents for a couple of hours…
The for about two hours, I was running errands all over town! I stopped by Southern Seafood to pick up a pound of fresh (peeled, cleaned, deveined) shrimp, and some seasoning…
Drove back across town to our Tennessee Street Walmart for our weekly grocery pick-up order…
Drove back across town again to pick up Emmie from Grammy and Grandmommie at the Village Square Publix…
And then Emmie and I headed back home and made a stop at our Ocala Publix on the way home, when I realized that Walmart didn’t have the corn I needed for dinner…
And then I finally got back home around 6pm, and got started making a stove-top low country boil for the first time! We’ve had it two times over the last month, made for us by friends or family, and I wanted to give it a go myself. This was my first time doing it, and it turned out pretty good! It was very easy, and I liked that there was minimal prep, and all of it cooked in just one pot.
We used this spicy BBQ sauce my uncle made & gave to us at Christmas, and it was a really good addition.
These two were telling silly secrets during dinner – turns out, Emerson just wanted me to get up for something, so she could steal my seat 😉 And then she told me some secrets and sent Daddy to the kitchen, so she could steal his seat too.
It was kind of late by the time we finished eating dinner, and got everything cleaned up and leftovers put away, so it was pretty much straight to bedtime for Emmie-cille. Jeff gave Addie-girl a bottle while I did Emerson’s bedtime, and she was very goofy.
She tried to fight us on bedtime for a while, and got back up out of bed twice, but I think she’s down for good. Addison is also sound asleep in her bed now. Jeff washed the giant stock-pot for me already, and all the bottles, so I’ll go finish up the other few things, but luckily there aren’t very many.
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