Defying Gravity
Emerson had her sleepover with Grammy last night, so we only had little Addison at home this morning. She went on to school though, to play with her friends for most of the day.
Emerson had her sleepover with Grammy last night, so we only had little Addison at home this morning. She went on to school though, to play with her friends for most of the day.
Addison headed back to school today, and Emerson spent the day with Grammy and Grandmommie, while Jeff and I had to go back to work…
Everyone was very sleepy this morning, after a long day and a late night. So we were all slow and sleepy this morning, especially with the crazy stormy, rainy weather outside. I was asked to fill in as the GC Kids Jr. check-in lead this morning, with Meg out of town, and her back-up lead in charge, so I went to church by myself early, and Jeff got all four kids up and moving and dressed for church. We only had child-care for preschool and under, so Emmie went into big church with her brothers, and you can see she was clearly comfy cozy with them!
Brothers & Oranges Read More »
(Post for Saturday, 12/28/24.)
For the girls’ Christmas this year, we got them tickets to Wild Adventures! One of my employees told me about it when they were on a super cheap deal (half off, so only $30 each), and she also told me how to get Addie in for free, with a season pass for pre-school kids. Jeff and I actually used to get season passes every year when we were first dating and newly married, but we hadn’t been in years and years, and this was the first time for both girls.
Baby Sister went back to school today, sporting a warm new jacket she got for Christmas. She was very excited to be back with her friends and to get to play on the playground!
Yesterday was a very busy, very loud, very chaotic Christmas, spent with about 20 other people. Today, Jeff had to go back to work, so it was just me and the girls at home all day, with just us, super chill, hanging out. A quiet day for three girls. We had a very slow, very lazy morning, with leftover casserole for breakfast from the other day, then I just let the girls play and do whatever they wanted, pretty much. And I got the kitchen cleaned up, which had been a cluttered, untidy mess before this.
Quiet Day for Three Read More »
Surprisingly, the girls actually let us sleep in till about 7am this morning, which wasn’t too bad! But they were of course chomping at the bit to go check out the Christmas tree and all the presents in the dining room.
Christmas Day 2024 Read More »
I got movin’ in the kitchen early this morning, to make us a delicious ham, egg & cheese breakfast casserole. I made it a little differently than I normally do by adding a scoop of cottage cheese, and that just made it so much more moist and fluffy. Very yummy.
Candlelight Christmas Eve 2024 Read More »
This morning, Jeff took Addison to daycare since they were still open. Emerson helped me make some scrambled egg sandwiches for our breakfast, which she also did coincidentally exactly three years ago…
Volkswagen from Valdosta Read More »
I had picked out the girls outfits last night, and I helped get them dressed this morning. I even got myself dressed, and at the last minute just decided I was too sick to actually make it to church. I was actually supposed to be serving at the check-in desk in GC Kids, and I didn’t want to be hacking up a lung and spreading germs everywhere all morning, so I stayed home and Jeff and the girls went to church.
Another Round of Pneumonia Read More »