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Last night around 10:30pm, right as Jeff and I were getting ready to go to bed, Emerson woke up whining and crying again. Jeff went to pick her up, but she wanted Mommy, so I grabbed her. She was really upset, but we didn’t know what she wanted. I needed to make a bathroom trip really fast, so we laid her in our bed. After that, she got super mad and wouldn’t let either of us hold her, and kept yelling NO every time we asked her something (i.e. – do you want water? do you want mommy? do you want lullabies?) So we just had to keep trying to figure it out.

Jeff carried her to the living room, and she asked for me, so I took her and sat down on the couch, and she almost instantly calmed down. We sat there for about 10-15 minutes, and finally she said yes when I asked if we could try lullabies & go night-night. We did our usual 3 songs, then “Jesus Loves Me” while I scratched her back, and about an hour after she first woke up, she was finally back asleep.

We’re not really sure what caused all of that, but we were worried for a bit there, that we wouldn’t be able to get her back to sleep, or that I would have to sleep sitting up on the couch all night!She slept fine after that, and slept until about 7:30 this morning. Then her and I both got dressed, and I took her to the doctor’s office, since she’s had a fever for three days now. Her ears were clear, and her rapid flu & strep tests were fine. They said he lungs sounded fine too.


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