February 22, 2019

A Difficult Journey

By now, it’s no secret that my sister and her husband Bo are expecting triplet girls to arrive any day now. (And we are so incredibly excited for them to get here!) But what’s not quite as well known, is the difficult journey it’s taken them to get to this point. I asked Megan if I could share their story, and she said she would love it if I would wrote about them. I know this is a story our family will cherish, having it all written down. And obviously other people are curious and just want to hear the “drama” of it all, but I know the majority of folks really, really love & care for them, and will appreciate hearing/knowing this as well.

Quick back story to catch up to “present day”… Megan and Bo were high school sweethearts! They started dating when they were only in 9th grade! They dated all through high school and college, and got married in May 2013, merely a week or two after Megan graduated from FSU. (Bo graduated the year after.) Like any relationship, there were typical ups & downs, good times & bad times, but these two sweethearts stuck it out.

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