We Adopted a Doggie!!

We had a great morning in church today. I went early to serve on the GC Kids team, and Jeff got the girls dressed in the outfits Emmie picked out for them, and then he brought them at the usual time.

And of course they had some donuts for second breakfast when they got there.

And I had a great time serving my first turn in the elementary kids church! I’ve been in the preschool room for the last year and a half, but once Addie moved to that room, I needed to move to a different spot. So today I was trained on the ckeck-in table, and it’s a fast-paced, important role, to check-in about 50 kids every morning. (And then there are some other admin things I learned, and I also did all the IG stories on the GC Kids TLH page today too.)

We had a quick lunch at Zaxby’s, then stopped by the house for a potty break, and to jump into one car instead of two. And then we went back across town to the animal shelter, to get the doggie we saw yesterday! Emerson was up at 7am today, asking “Did you sleep on it? Can we get the doggie?” And although we hadn’t yet decided on it at that point, we did talk about it throughout the morning, and eventually decided to just go for it! So we skipped nap time (Addie fell asleep in the car for a few minutes), and went straight there when they opened at 1pm.

We hadn’t actually told them where we were going though, but once Emerson recognized where we were, she was all smiles ear to ear!

When we walked in the lobby and told them we were there to adopt a dog we visited yesterday, we actually heard another employee tell an older couple they were gonna go get the very same dog we had come for. It’s a first-come-first-served situation though, and since we had come yesterday (and they remembered us), they told the other couple we had “dibs” on her (or something along those lines), and so that other couple went to check out other dogs.

But I can’t imagine had we waited a few more minutes, and missed out on this sweet girl, if they would have gotten her today before we could have made it back. Because in just this one afternoon/evening, she has perfectly fit in with our little family already, and we love her so much! She is about 2 years old, and incredibly, sweet, gentle, & even-keeled. She’s not spayed yet, so we’ll have to take her back in the future for that.

Without further ado, everyone meet Penny Pullen! We’re so very happy to have welcomed her into our family today!!

Penny and Emmie have immediately bonded like the best of friends. I think she’s going to be the best, most sweetest, little doggie for us! (We used to keep snack & bread baskets on the floor behind the couch, since we don’t have a real pantry here in this house, but we picked it all up onto the counter, not knowing how food-curious she would be, and we’ll have to do some rearranging to figure some stuff out if we can’t continue leaving it on the floor.)

My mama and grandmommie were already planning to come over and help me with my puzzle this afternoon, so they also got to meet Penny on her first day with us. And they both loved her sweet, gentle spirit too.

They headed back home before the rain started flooding again. And then around 4pm, both girls decided they were hungry enough to need a meal-sized-snack. So I made Emmie a PB&J, and Addie ate 3 slices of turkey & 2 slices of cheese. And then us 3 girls and our Penny girl fell asleep all cuddled up on the couch together.

I ate a random little snacky-supper for myself around 6pm, and then hit the road, but Jeff and the girls stayed home and took Penny on her first little walk around our neighborhood.

Meanwhile, I was out and about with my sister and her little family (sweat literally dripping down my face), taking her maternity photos! Professional photographers just cost an arm & a leg these days, so I put my fancy Google Pixel phone on portrait mode, and we both studied up on maternity shots for her individually, as a couple, and with the triplets as a family, and we just DIY’d her photos ourselves! I’ve already spent an hour or two editing them all for her tonight (which is why it’s past 11pm and I’m still writing this post), but she will share those on her socials first, and then I’ll get to share some here. But here’s just one sweaty pic of the two of us from our fun little adventure 🙂

Back at home, Emerson fell asleep for the night cuddled up with Penny on the couch, and that’s where I found them when I got home around 9pm. I got her into bed, sang her lullaby and said her prayers, and she was out. Addison on the other hand was having a rough night, and was still awake and whiny. So I sat down to rock her (and fight with her) for a while, so that Jeff could go out to Walmart to get some stuff we needed for Penny (like a crate she could actually fit inside).

Jeff has gotten the new crate put together, and he gave her a big giant bone to gnaw on before bedtime. We’re going to leave her crate in the living room tonight (just because it’s huge and that’s where we have it and it’s 11:15 now and we’re tired), but then we’ll probably rearrange some stuff in the front bedroom, so that she can hang in there during the days, especially since we have an a/c window unit in that room, and that will keep her from getting too hot in the day when we have our whole-house a/c set to higher temps during the day.

Anyways, it’s been a long, crazy, busy, exciting day, and we’re ready to get some rest!!

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