Watermelon & Watering Plants

We needed to have our one last 5-girl daycare drop-off, before Emerson is done at daycare forever! And of course everyone was excited to see everyone, and all girls had a good drop-off!

I bought the trips these little dresses for their birthday a few months ago, and I love seeing them wear them. They’re so cute!

The trips also spent part of their morning in Emerson’s classroom until their teachers were there, and they were very excited about that.

Just one picture of Addie Pie and her friends on the buggy today…

We did a super simple dinner tonight – chicken salad sandwiches, watermelon, and chips. Emerson ate her entire sandwich, and all the fruit. Jeff made himself a second sandwich, and Addie pie had a hodge-podge of everything, but her favorite thing was Daddy’s sour cream & onion chips.

Emmie helped me water the house plants tonight, since we try to do it on water Wednesday every week but we forgot yesterday.

Then Jeff washed about half of the dishes we had piled up, and the girls and I played together in Addison’s room. We also did a video call with Grammy, Papa & Grandmommie, and Addison chose to say “Papa” for the first time, and he was lucky enough to get to hear it!

Emmie said, “Take my picture doing a funny face!”

Addison stole my bowl from the kitchen last night, and just marched down the hallway to her room. Then tonight, she kept carrying it around her room, setting it down, picking it up again, and eventually I got her stirring it up with her wooden spoon too.

I got some baby cuddles feeding Addison her bottle of milk, and then got lots of cuddles from Emerson after we read our chapter of Matilda.

The funny thing is, my mom used to say this if we would ever find something in our food, or ate something weird or whatever… She would say, “Well don’t shout & wave it about, or everybody else will want one too.” I have no idea where she got it from, but it was funny to me to read it in the book tonight!

I’m going to wash the rest of the dishes that are left now, and then sit down and relax and watch a little bit of tv before bedtime.


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