Wanna Go Thrifting?

After our super late night at the fireworks last night, the girls actually slept until 8am today, and that is literally the latest they’ve ever slept. And it was sooo nice. So then we had a little bit of slow morning, until we finally got up and moving.

Emerson and I went out to hit up a few thrift stores, looking for more gymnastics leotards for her. We didn’t find leotard, but we found a few other good things, and we had a really great time together!

We love watching this one creator on TikTok who shares all of her cool and crazy and weird stuff she finds while thrifting. She always starts every video with “Wanna go thrifting?” So we made our own video like that, inspired by her, and it turned out cute!



At our last stop, they had a giant table of day-old-bread from the Publix bakery sitting out for anyone to take for free. So Emmie picked out this giant loaf of Cuban bread that she loved the smell of, and I picked out a bag of assorted bagels. And she bought that little froggie on her wrist for $1.

Back at home, Daddy and Elsa were watching Frozen together 😉

We used the Cuban bread to make sandwiches for lunch, with some chips and more fruit, which feels like the ultimate summer lunch.

We got Addison down for a nap after lunch, and Emerson and I spent about an hour or more cleaning up her extremely messy bedroom. We filled up a couple plastic bags with trash, and set aside a few things to donate, and changed her sheets, and re-set as much as we could. And then of course with this heat wave, and nothing else on the agenda, we just had to go back out to Grammy & Papa’s house for some more swimming!

Last summer, when Addie was only two, she was fearless in the pool, and even without a floatie, we would have to keep her from just walking off the end of the stairs. This summer though, she has been terrified to leave the safety of the steps, even with a floatie on and being carried by one of us. But today, she finally got brave, and not only let us carry her around the water, but finally started doggie-paddling and swimming around on her own! We got her to swim back and forth between me and Jeff, and she was loving every minute of it, and we were all so proud of her!

I gave the girls a bath after we finished swimming, and then jumped in the shower myself. We had a mix of leftovers from last night and sandwiches for dinner, and the girls both ate SO much after swimming for so long. Grammy pulled up on of their VBS songs on her phone, and Emmie got up to do all the motions, and it was adorable.

I thought Addie was asleep on the way home when I took this picture, but she was just being super still, looking out the window, watching the trees pass by.

I lit a brand new wood-wick candle when we got home, that smells so fruity and summery and fresh. Then we watched only one episode of Bluey, and the bedtime routine went very quickly after that, since both girls were totally exhausted.

We stripped our bed today to wash our sheets and quilt, so we need to put on fresh sheets now before bedtime. We’ll probably watch a movie for a little bit first (or at least, part of a movie), until I inevitably fall asleep on the couch.

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