Grammy got all five girls these adorable matching rompers at the outlets in Pigeon Forge on Friday, so of course we had to wear them all to church today.
Today was my turn back in GC Kids, and we had a great, fun morning!
We switched up our usual Connect Group from dinner & Bible study at the church at night, to just lunch all together at 4Rivers after church, for a casual post-spring-break get-together, and that was so nice. We ate outside, and all stayed chatting and eating for about an hour and a half, letting the kids run wild and play together. But the only photo I took was of my delicious brisket tacos.
After lunch, we came home and immediately laid down for nap time. Emerson claimed she wasn’t tired, but I told her she had to at least lay down and attempt sleep. But turns out, us three girls all slept for like 2.5 hours, from 2:30-5pm, so obviously we all needed a nice long nap for vacay recovery. Jeff laid down to rest, but couldn’t sleep, but at least he was able to get some quiet time.
By the time we finally got up out of bed, it was closer to 5:30. Nana came over to see us and the girls, and it was also time to start dinner. I prepped some potatoes and popped them into the oven to bake, and we spent that hour and fifteen minutes cleaning the house, unpacking from vacay, and washing some dishes. I also laid out most of the souvinirs from vacay, but not all the girls’ stuff, and Jeff was also wearing the hat he got so that’s not pictured. You can see we have a thing for cups and mugs, and jams and jelly’s. We also like to collect magnets, stickers and Christmas tree ornaments.
Nana very graciously helped us with our chores, and we were able to get so much more taken care of. When the potatoes were ready, I just threw in butter, diced ham & shredded cheese, and we called it ham & cheese stuffed taters, and it was super simple and delish.
I got these cute little garlic salt & pepper shakers from the Salt & Pepper Shaker Museum on vacation last week, and they’re just so cute! I am always a garlic girlie, and these are just so perfect on the table. When I told Emmie that’s what I picked last week, she was like, “Oh yeah that’s so you, Mommy.”
Nana headed out after dinner, and we started getting the girls ready for bed. Addie fell asleep pretty easily, but Emmie couldn’t sleep, so we let her go back and hang out on the couch with Pennie and Daddy while I’ve been writing this, and it appears she’s fallen asleep out there now. So we’ll have to carry her to her room now, with her long lanky limbs all swinging back & forth…
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