Turkey Tuesday

Decided to try something new for dinner tonight, with this pre-seasoned boneless turkey breast roast. I bought it frozen a month or so ago, and finally threw it in the crock pot today. I also threw in some potatoes and carrots, but spoiler alert, the veggies didn’t actually turn out well. Usually, Tuesday’s are for tacos, but this this Tuesday was for turkey!

I went back again for a normal day of work, and Jeff met Grammy and Grandmommie to do an Emerson-trade-off, so she could spend the day out in the country at their house. They got her McDonald’s for breakfast, and Grandmommie said she had already eaten all but about four bites by the time they got home!

After a little bit of lazing around the house…

And second breakfast…

Then they put her to work out in the yard, with her little gardening gloves! I loved seeing these pictures of her carrying all the things around, doing such good work, wearing her cute little gloves.

But of course it wasn’t all work and no play – there was plenty of play too!

I got to go outside to enjoy some fresh air on my lunch break as well, to eat and read at the picnic table at the office, and I really enjoyed it! It got cut short by about 15 minutes when a bee wouldn’t leave me alone, but instead I got to chat with my newest coworkers for a bit, whom I hadn’t actually met yet, and they were both super nice!

Then Emmie had her lunch, and took a nap with Grammy.


She had wanted to put her jammies on during nap time, and then she just stayed in them for the rest of the afternoon and evening, and ended up going to sleep in the same ones as well.

Jeff went back out to meet Grammy & Grandmommie and bring our girl back home, and I got stuck at work about 30 minutes late, working on some last minute emergency cases. But luckily, dinner was almost completely done at home, and it took no time at all until I got it all finished up!

I decided that potatoes & carrots IN the same crockpot as the meat doesn’t work with turkey, the same way it works with roast beef. The veggies were overcooked and bland, and it definitely didn’t help that I had forgotten to season them at all. So instead I whipped up some instant mashed potatoes and a can of green beans, and those sides were A-OK with me. This turkey breast also came with a little packet of gravy to cook up, and that was actually really good too. I almost forgot the gravy, but luckily that part was easy to do too, and dinner was ready in no time!

And this meal turned out way better than I was even expecting. Jeff had seconds, and after Emerson stopped flipping out about trying something “new,” she loved it and ate every bite too, sans gravy though for her. I will definitely buy one of these turkey breasts roasts again sometime!

Jeff had to make a quick run to Walmart for us after dinner, and I had a little helper while we folded Emmie’s load of laundry.



So this past week, Emmie has had two potty accidents in her bed overnight. The first was Saturday around 4am, and then again last night around 5am. We only had two twin-size sheets, so Jeff ran to Walmart tonight to get a few more sheets to have to rotate in & out, plus one of those plastic-y mattress cover things. He even got fancy and got some bed sheet suspender things as well, so everything should be good to go now! She’s also going to sleep in pull-ups again for a few nights, and hopefully we can get her back on track…

We read another story from the 5-minute princess book tonight (Moana, of course), and then got settled in bed for prayers and quiet time.

The bedtime routine went really well again tonight, and I’m just so thankful to be back in a regular night-time routine again, without all the crazy fussing and fighting and hoopla. Glad we’ve settled back in now, and that she’s doing so well in her big girl bed! She hasn’t fallen out, and she’s never gotten up, so we’re doing great so far!

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