Tuesday Taquitos

Emerson is always so curious and nosy, and this morning she was very interested in why another little girl was bringing two cups into school with her, and that’s why she’s making these silly faces… haha 😉




Random note – I’ve been drinking a lot of Emergen-C lately, because it just feels like a good thing to do during a global pandemic, right?


Leftover pasta & reading on my lunch break…


Three years ago, we finally decided on and announced our baby girls’ name! I wrote a blog post about it a couple of years ago, click here. (Speaking of names, when we picked “Emerson,” I didn’t know of any other young girls with that name. Since then, I have had four or five people that I actually know in real life name their daughter Emerson, for either their first or middle name. Apparently, we were at the start of a trend!)


Emerson had a great day, and did excellent at school today. Miss Jessica actually requested that Emerson wear her panties to school every day, instead of a diaper and then changing, so we did that today and it worked well. She also napped in her panties, and woke up dry! Then she went pee in the potty SEVEN total times at school today!!







We had taquitos for dinner, and of course had to eat outside on the back patio again. The weather is just TOO GOOD to be inside lately!



She had sat on the potty twice since being home, but hadn’t gone either time. So Jeff brought the tiny potty out on the patio, so she could try a few more times. She clearly had to go, but just continued to refuse and hold it in. Miss Jessica even sent home a special yellow lollipop as a treat if she would go at home, but nope.



We stayed out in the backyard for a long time, just walking around and looking at all the things and talking about birdies, and it was precious. We also checked on our orange tree, and it has some teeny tiny little fruits just starting out! (You can see a few of last year’s harvest that have finally rotted & fallen off the top branches that we couldn’t reach to pick.)


She sat on the potty one more time while we video-chatted with Nana, and she was offering her special bribes and treats if she would pee at home, but still nope.

We put on her strawberry nightgown and a diaper, and within one minute, she peed so much she leaked out of her diaper completely and soaked all through the front of her nightgown. Ughhh… So we got her diaper and nightgown changed again, and got ready for our bedtime routine.



Bedtime went pretty well (with one minor freak out when she didn’t like a peanut in the trail mix), and then I had a very small amount of dishes to wash. Jeff is currently folding a giant load of laundry while I’m blogging, and then it’s time to kick back and relax.

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