Tour of Tuscany

Happy, sweet little girlies on a Monday morning!

We actually got a couple of photos of Emmie’s class today doing a little project together, before starting a new science unit on technology, engineering & design process. I love that you can see Emmie cheering in the background of the second photo back there.

I made a slightly new-ish recipe tonight for dinner. Well, not exactly new, but maybe just a new variation of something I’ve made before. I’ve made a creamy tortellini soup with Italian sausage & spinach before that I loved, but Jeff isn’t a huge fan of Italian sausage. So I tried this new version with rotisserie chicken & kale instead, and he liked this version better (but I like the sausage version better 😉 ). Supposedly, these are Tuscan-inspired flavors, so I decided instead of calling it “Creamy Tuscan Chicken & Tortellini Soup” (which is very much a mouthful), that I’d just call it “Tour of Tuscan” soup instead.



Jeff was finishing up his yard work, since he mowed the whole back yard but only got to half of the front yard the other day. So it was just us girls for dinner. The girls ate around the kale, even after I made Emmie do a blind-taste test and she realized she couldn’t even taste it, but she just wouldn’t change her mind at that point. But both girls ate it really well!

I saved a bowl for Jeff over there on the far left, and then still had three giant servings leftover. Jeff and I can each have a bowl for lunch tomorrow, and I’m taking the cottage cheese container to work to share with my friend Heather.

(Side note – I was rinsing this container last week to recycle it, and I thought to myself, “Hey, this would be a good container to save,” so I washed it and saved it and it came in perfectly handy tonight. And now I’ve turned into my Grandmother, who always had not only cottage cheese in her fridge when I was growing up, but also had cottage cheese tubs full of other stuff, usually like jello salad or some cooked leftover veggies.)

My biggest girl was exhausted tonight. I love when she falls asleep early on her own like this, and I can just study her perfect little face, with her tiny little nose freckles.

Addie wasn’t actually asleep yet, but she was cute and cuddly and very calm and still.

I’m going to re-paint my fingernails in lieu of washing the dishes, and then try to get some good rest tonight.

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