Sushi, Sunlight, & Sisters

Emmie and I went through the Dunkin drive thru on our way to an early morning at church. It was my turn to serve at the GC Kids check-in desk. Addie had a bad cough during the night, so Jeff kept her home today, just in case…

I was on social media duty too, so I spent the morning getting lots of pictures and videos for the GC Kids insta page.

Meanwhile back at home, little sister wasn’t actually seeming too sick, and seemed like she had a good morning just hanging out with Daddy.

Emerson specifically requested sushi for lunch today, and obviously I had to agree to that! When we went to Chow Time last weekend with my parents, she tried a few different kinds, and found that she loved the simple krab & cream cheese roll, and wanted that again. She actually told me while we were at home getting dressed before church, that she was craving sushi, but then she was like, “Well not actually right now, but I will be craving it for lunch.”

So her and I had a little sushi date at Sake House, and it was delicious and so sweet to have our own little lunch date together. Oh, she also has these cute little kid-friendly chopsticks, that she packed in her little bag with her Bible today, so she’d be ready to go at lunch!

And my sushi came out looking like the most beautiful plate of sushi I’ve ever had, with that little flower and everything on the side.

Addie ate some of the leftover lo mein from last night for her lunch today, and I brought home chicken hibachi for Jeff’s lunch. Then of course we all settled in for a little Sunday afternoon nap time together. Jeff took Addie for a nap in our bed, and stuffed a diaper box along the edge to keep her from falling out. And apparently she needed her big sister’s sleep mask to help her get some shut-eye.

We finally got up and moving around again late this afternoon. I made myself a yummy to-go iced coffee in my cute Frother’s Daughter glass, and we headed out to go visit Nana & PopPop.

Emerson “bought” this plane with the GC Kids bucks she’s earned over the past few months, for doing things like, bringing her Bible every week, answering Bible trivia-style questions, and taking notes during kids church. She loved being able to launch it off the top of the back deck, and then go run out and track it down.

It was also great weather to sit out on the back porch and eat dinner with the late-afternoon sunlight streaming in through the screens.

Daddy and Nana took the girls outside to play some more, and I cleaned up Nana’s kitchen for her, since she took care of cooking everything for dinner for us (and sent us home with leftovers!). Then we watched a little bit of a movie, the girls did a little pumpkin sticker craft, and we had some ice cream for dessert, before heading home.

Pennie was all-ears (and eyes) staring down Emmie while she was picking out a bedtime snack, making sure she kept her full attention on her, just in case.

Sweet, sweet sisters giving each other night-night hugs, before we separated and did our different bedtime routines.

The girls are now both asleep in their own beds, so I’m going to spend a few minutes finishing up this cute, easy little puzzle.

Then I’ll do a few things to get us ready for another week of work and school, so that hopefully our Monday morning can go a little bit more smoothly…

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