Strangers’ Selfies & Snowballs

Cute little Addie Pie before school this morning.

Being a silly baby girl!

Today was our every-other-month unit lunch, and today’s choice was Panera. We all ordered online again today for pick-up, so it was super quick and easy to grab it when we got there. I had a $5 off promo code, so I basically got my iced latte for free! This was delicious, but that sandwich was tiny, and I wished I’d had more of it.

We were trying to get a big group selfie out front afterwards, and although it did turn out pretty good, a guy came up and offered to do it for us. So Tammy handed him my phone, with the front-facing camera still on, and he just unknowingly snapped a selfie before flipping the camera and taking a normal one of us! So I’m including his selfie here too, just because it was so funny to all of us. 🤣

After work, I picked up both girls and headed home. We had lots of random leftovers from the last couple of days, so we had a little hodge-podge of stuff for a quick dinner. Then we headed back to Lake Ella, to get Emerson a birthday snowball at Big Easy, since they were closed yesterday, and we had promised we’d come back! Luckily, they were open today, so we split a few delicious, freezing snowballs.

Emmie was so cold, I had to walk back out to the car with her to get a blanket, before she could come back inside and eat some more of her snowball.

We wanted to walk over and see the lake and the geese and the birds and such after we finished, even though it was sprinkling a little bit. Two of them specifically came up to us, probably hoping we would give them food or something, since I know a lot of people do that. (But! Did you know it’s not actually good for the birds to feed them bread, because they fill up on it, and it has no nutritional value for them, and it can make them sick!)

I hadn’t planned on making a little video, but when we got home I realized I had enough “content” to make a cute snowball adventure video, and Emmie helped me pick out the song. Super cute!



We immediately started bedtime when we got home. Emerson was absolutely exhausted, and was asleep in no time. And by the time I came back out of Emmie’s room, Addie was also sound asleep in Daddy’s lap in the living room. My puzzle is going very slowly so far, but I’m gonna try to get a few more pieces done on it now.

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