Stained-Glass Books

Addison was looking super cool this morning, in her purple dress & purple crocs and adorable flower sunglasses.

And Emerson was looking a little bit too much like a big girl before camp this morning. (Even with the giant temporary tattoo on her forearm.)

I had ordered all the cute little mermaid stuff for Emmie’s birthday party last weekend from Temu. I also got myself this little $3 faux stained-glass book decoration. I had Jeff put all the little hardware pieces together for me last night with his watch-making kit, and I suction-cupped it to my office window this morning, and it looks so cute!

Emerson wasn’t feeling great during the day at summer camp, so she called us to come get her. Jeff was able to leave work early, and picked her up around 1pm. They went straight to the doctor’s office for a quick check-up, since she did have a pretty bad cough and a slight fever. They ran all the usual tests, but we’re waiting to hear back the results tomorrow.

So after work, I just picked up Addison, and headed on home. Emerson had actually gone to sleep when they got home, around 3pm, and then slept until right after we got home, a little after 6pm. I baked some taquitos, and made some yellow rice and black beans, and washed up a big load of dishes while all of that was cooking.

Emerson felt a little better when she woke up from her nap, and actually ate a pretty good dinner. She was also checking out one of her little birthday gifts, and reading up on it from the tiny “catalogue.”

So last night, I got to the point in my puzzle where it seemed like there were only about 3 pieces left to fit in the edges, but I actually still had 25 pieces left! I obviously realized something was wrong, so I grabbed the box to check the measurements, and I had it wayyy too small. We literally got out the tape measure to see how big it should be. And then I studied it hard trying to find the pieces that were mis-matched, without undoing the whole entire thing. So now I have it laid out to the dimensions it’s supposed to be, and I gotta figure out how to make it all work! So clearly, I’ve got my work cut out for me with this one still…

Emmie went back to bed around her usual time, still pretty exhausted and feeling a little blah. Addie also went down for bed easily around her usual time too. Guess it’s time to get back to work on my puzzle for a little bit now,  and see if I can make any headway on this mess!

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