Sour Cream Soup

Y’all know I love starting a crock-pot meal in the mornings before work. I actually set out all of this last night to make white chicken chili, and then just pulled out the frozen chicken first thing this morning once I started throwing everything together.

Addie was a in a bit of a mood, about having to wear shoes, and getting ready for school, so she wasn’t happy for sister pics.

But she was fine by the time we made it to school, even if this little face is still not exactly a smile…

Once we got home tonight, I pulled the chicken out and shredded it, then added both sour cream and cream cheese (because I had half a block in the fridge leftover from last week that I didn’t want to go to waste). I also did a little cornstarch “slurry” to help thicken it up a little bit more too. Then I topped everyone’s with shredded Monterrey jack cheese, sour cream & lime, then added a ton of cilantro & diced green onion on mine. Oh, and we added scoops on top or on the side or used to actually scoop, and this was so good! This was actually the first time I’ve made this myself, but obviously it was so easy and delicious.

On our way home, the girls were asking what I was making for dinner, so I had told them White Chicken Chili. But Addie was immediately like, “EW!” Even though she’s never had it before and of course wouldn’t even know if she liked it or not. So I told her it was just soup. And she was like, what kind? So I described that it had chicken and beans and sour cream. And sour cream is one of her favorite foods. So I decided I’d tell her it was sour cream soup, and then she cheered and was on board with that idea! And then wouldn’t you know, she cleaned out her tiny bowl, and even had seconds!

It did of course make a huge batch, so I’m saving the mason jar for lunch tomorrow, and I’ve already stuck the square glass container into the freezer, so I can have it again in a few weeks once the weather cools down a bit more for real.

I never got to work on my puzzle last night, because Addie Pie woke up again and wanted some cuddles. So tonight, my little girls helped me finish it. Addison actually did pick up two or three pieces and place them exactly where they were supposed to go, and Emerson and I were so shocked & proud! Emerson was also a great helper, and I love doing puzzles with her, because she gets just as into it as I do.

Unfortunately,we lost a random piece, and we have no idea where. Don’t know if it got knocked onto the floor into the toy baskets underneath the table, or even if Pennie found it an ate it. But somehow, I’m getting used to missing pieces and it doesn’t drive me out of my mind as much anymore as it used to…

I have a whole giant sink full of dishes I need to wash, so I’m going to stick my earbuds in, queue up my current audio book, and start a timer to wash as much as I can in 20 minutes. And then I’m just gonna be done and sit down and try to relax a little bit before I have my nightly nap on the couch before going to bed…

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