Softer Sub Roll

I may have bribed Addie to smile with a small piece of candy, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do 🤣

I had just enough eggs & bacon leftover from last nights’ dinner to make another breakfast sandwich again for lunch today. And lemme tell ya, this tiny jar of bacon jam just isn’t going to last very long. It’s so yummy!

After school and work, we met up at Publix for a quick dinner before Wednesday night church. We like to get a whole turkey sub for Jeff and I to share, and a cup of popcorn chicken for the girls to share, plus a few bags of chips and a half gallon of mango lemonade with a straw. It’s easy, cheap and yummy! Also, Publix now has a new softer sub roll, and it’s really good.

Addie picked out the Old MacDonald book to read at bedtime, and she gave some very sweet cuddle loves to her cute little purple cow she got from the Dixie Stampede last week.

The girls are both sleeping soundly, Jeff is taking out the trash to the street for tomorrow, and now I’m ready to sit down and watch a tv show or something before bedtime…

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