Emerson was flopping around the house in Mommy’s flip-flops early this morning.
And then I made a pan of blueberry muffins for a super easy breakfast for five before church.This girl looked so beautiful in a new dress from Grammy this morning! I loved the back with the criss-cross and the bow.
On the way to the car, we stopped to check out this teeny-tiny little frog. Emmie loved it, especially since she’s so into frogs these days! (The frog is that microscopic dot on the edge of the sidewalk.)
And then we did a quick & yummy lunch at Dairy Queen. Everybody got the $5 buck lunch meals that also comes with ice cream. It’s such a great deal!
Random note of clarification, just in case anyone is confused – these are Jeff’s twin boys from his first marriage. They live with their mom in South Carolina the majority of the year, but visit us during certain times of the year. This year, we’re trying a new schedule, and they’ll be with us for six straight weeks. We’re excited about it, but also kinda nervous too! Six weeks of cooking for 5, and washing dishes for 5, and cleaning for 5. Plus all the other unspoken things that come with blended families, especially with pre-teen boys! (They will actually turn 13 at the end of July.) So like I said, it’ll be great to have them here, but keep us in your prayers if you would 😊
Anyways, as soon as we got home, we changed Emmie into some comfy clothes, and got her down for her nap. I had plans to be productive and get stuff done (like pressure washing the back patio), but instead I declared quiet rest time for the whole house. We all changed out of our church clothes, and put on our soft clothes, and I curled up in bed. I read for 10-15 minutes, and then took an hour-long nap! And actually, I stayed in my soft clothes the entire rest of the day, and it was lovely.This baby girl woke up from her nap in a great mood. I mean, she always wakes up happy, but today was just a whole other level. She was running 90 to nothin’ as soon as she woke up! Also, these little PJ shorts are some hand-me-down, and I just think they’re adorable!
She put on Daddy’s socks.
And them made another giant mess in her room & pulled out all the blankets again. She loved this little baby she found, and when she came across her lime green sheep, she hollered, “baa baa sheep!” Which is what she calls her current favorite song.
And then out of nowhere, she lifted her t-shirt to wipe her nose! I’ve never seen her do that before, and I’m not quite sure where she learned it, but it was too funny! And just look at that little belly!
We had Crock-Pot chicken burrito bowls for dinner, with corn & black beans, salsa, sour cream & cheese. Plus avocado for me. So yummy!
In order to help keep my sanity over these next six weeks, I decided that every night after dinner, we would ALL spend just a few minutes tidying up the main living areas of the house. The boys are like a hurricane usually, and things are constantly messy around here when they’re here. But we ain’t doin’ that this time. So we spent less than 10 minutes, putting all the stuff away, and now my living & dining rooms look decent again, after a day of playing at home.Jeff and the boys went out to start moving our
hay field front yard, and Emmie and I went out to watch for just a few minutes. Jeff tried reaching the boys how to use the mower, but as I watched, I think they were struggling with not being quite strong enough. I’m sure he’ll keep working with them though, and they’ll build up some muscle in no time 😉It took almost a full hour of books, rocking, lullabies and shushing before Emerson would let me put her down to sleep. So that was tricky. But we finally managed it so I could come put away leftovers, then clean the kitchen & wash the dishes, while they finished up outside. They all had to get showers once they were done, but now we’re all about to start winding down and getting ready for bed.
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