Side-Eye & Salad

Emerson picked out another pair of their matching fall dresses to wear to church this morning. Emerson remembered her Bible and her Buddy Barrel with some coins she found at home, and Addison remembered her Bible as well.

We had our praise team choir up on stage this morning, which I was a part of and I loved it. It’s very casual and we juts sing whatever parts we can/want, without any stress or anything, but we actually sound amazing, if I do say so myself. Jeff was running the words and slides and everything, so we were all there for a long morning. But it was a great day in the house of the Lord!

We did our favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch, Echalee, and it was just as delicious as always. Addie made this silly face, and Emmie was immediately like, “Oh hold on let me draw that face!” I forgot to take a picture of her drawing, but she did in fact draw a little face giving the side-eye like that, and it made me and Jeff crack up.

I wore this new dress on our anniversary date last night, and re-wore it to church this morning. I love the fall colors and how flowy it is, and I loved wearing fall colors with my little girlies.

Emmie asked me to put on one of the songs they always sing in GC Kids, and she was dancing and doing all the little motions on the way home, singing along with all of the words and it was very cute and sweet.

Everyone was exhausted by the time we got home so of course we all cuddled up somewhere and took naps. Me and Emmie and Pennie were all snoozing on the couch with a movie playing in the background that I only saw the first 10 minutes of before falling asleep.

After a nice long Sunday afternoon nap while it rained outside, we got ourselves ready again to head back to church. We had our usual church family dinner first, and then broke off into our Connect Groups for some Bible study and discussion time.

This little baby rabbit loves her rabbit food. She honestly loves salad, even when it’s not dripping in this much Ranch dressing 😂

Emmie was super sleepy and fell asleep so quick and easy tonight, but little Addie pie was kind of fighting it and it took her a lot longer to finally get to sleep. Now I’m just looking forward to putting my feet up and just catch up on the videos of some of our favorite YouTube friends.

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