Saturday Shopping

As soon as she wakes up and we go into the kitchen, she asks for a “nack.” Today, she had this peanut butter chocolate bar for her pre-breakfast. It was only 68 degrees at 7am, so we opened the screen door, and ate by the back door. And it felt so nice!

She made a few calls to her grandparents again…

And then we all got ready to meet Nana for breakfast at Canopy Road!

Followed by some shopping at Old Navy & Marshall’s…

And oh look, a photo of me too! (I had to specifically ask Jeff to take it, since I’m never actually in any photos.)

She was just randomly picking up all the toys (and other random things like Halloween-themed cat beverage napkins) and putting them in the buggy as we walked around. So then we had to sneak the stuff back out of the buggy when she wasn’t looking.

We parted ways with Nana so she could continue her day of grocery shopping and such, and went home for lunch and a nap.

While Emerson napped (for only 1.5 hours), Jeff and I ate some sandwiches and watched an episode of “Fringe.” After Emmie got up, we played for a little bit, and then my tiredness kicked in out of nowhere. I leaned over on the couch, laid there a few minutes, and fell asleep! With Emmie playing and YouTube videos in the background, I still somehow fell asleep. So Jeff and Emmie snuck out to pick up our Walmart grocery order and left me sleeping on the couch. I woke up to an empty, quiet house, and it was so weird! They got back a few minutes later, and we all unloaded the groceries.

After putting away the groceries, we got ready again, and went out to meet Grandmommie! In the car, I reached over to touch her soft little cheek, and she just put her face down in my hand, and left it there, holding onto my arm. It was super sweet.

We played at Grandmommie’s for a little bit, and then went out and about. We had thought about going to the park, but it was 98 degrees and the playground wasn’t shaded at all, so we skipped that for today and went shopping instead. I wanted to go to the Dollar Tree for a little squirt bottle for my new work plant, and Grandmommie let Emmie pick out & pay for a little toy too.

We also breezed through Home Goods really quickly, looking for salad bowls, but I still didn’t find what I wanted. Going to do some online shopping tomorrow I think…

Grandmommie LOVES Taco Bell, but rarely gets to eat there, so we treated her tonight, to her favorite taco salad! Emerson loved sharing it with her too, even though we got her her own chicken quesadilla.

We went back to Aunt Suzanne & Uncle Keith’s house (Grandmommie lives with them), and Emmie got to take a bath in their giant spa tub!

She was brushing up on her vocabulary a little bit before leaving, and being super sweet and smelling so fresh and yummy.

At home, we put her freshly-washed sheet on her bed, and she was so excited about it. She wanted to get in it right away! So we said her prayers, and tucked her in with her favorite “do-do” blanket.

But that didn’t last long, because she was just so crazy and excited that she wouldn’t really calm down. So after some ice water, and one book (and one tiny fit), she finally calmed down and we did lullabies. She was exhausted, and let me lay her down and cover her up again after the songs were done.

We had such a great day today, with Nana this morning and Grandmommie in the afternoon! Looking forward to another good day with family tomorrow as well.

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