Saturday Schedule

You guys, we were alllll over town today, up at 7am, and out and about shortly after, going going going until 7pm! Had some cereal for breakfast at home, Jeff picked up our Walmart grocery order, I took a quick shower, we cleaned up the living room & put the groceries away, and then got dressed to head out. Our first stop was at FedEx for Jeff to send out a laptop for work, immediately followed by The Frother’s Daughter for their “Matinee” latte special, served in popcorn bucket!

And these little cuties were happy to taste-test the coffee too. Emerson picked out their matching outfits today, and even told me how she wanted their hair done too.

Then we went to the Downtown Market to shop around a bit. Emmie spent some of her birthday money on stickers, erasers and a cute little tiny crocheted “love bug.” We also got some delicious Indian samosas for me and Jeff, and rice & naan for the girls, plus some mango lemonade from another vendor.

These samosas are seriously so good, especially with that tamarind sauce. I’s a little spicy, but not too much, and we can’t resist whenever we come to the market.

Next up was the adoption event at PetSmart. We haven’t had a dog in about five months now, and we were waiting until after all of our summer vacations. Emmie has really really been missing a dog lately, so we finally started looking today. We found a couple that we liked, but just couldn’t quite commit to any of them.

Then it was back home for a simple, light lunch, since we had our morning snacks and weren’t that hungry. I got more tomatoes from a farm stand at the market this morning, since I can’t stop craving them these past couple of weeks. Emmie had a PB&J, Addie had a “snack plate” (which is just a slice of turkey, a slice of cheese, and some goldfish), and I had my tomato sandwich. So simple, so good!

The girls both had a nap after lunch, and Jeff and I worked on some chores. I washed a large load of dirty dishes, and Jeff worked on a few loads of laundry. When I was almost done, it started getting very dark and dreary and then it started flooding cats & dogs outside.

I also finished this audio book while I was washing dishes. I love Kristen Chenoweth, and it was fun to hear her stories in her own voice. This is an older book though, from like 2008 or 2009, so it’s not very current, but it was still very interesting.

After nap time, it was still raining and thundering and lightning, but it was time for our next outing. So we drove across town to visit the animal shelter, to look at all the dogs up for adoption there.

Again, we found one we kind of liked, but we (well, mostly me) just couldn’t quite commit. I can’t imagine us with a dog this size for one thing, and it’s also just such a big decision, adding a doggie back into our family. This doggie girl was super sweet, and Emmie got along great with her. Addie was a little standoffish at first, but warmed up to her by the end. But we left her there and promised Emmie we’d sleep on it.

When we got both Primrose in 2013 & Pretzel in 2016, it just felt right, and we barely even had to think about it, because we instantly loved them both so much. I’m hoping we’ll have that kind of connection again. Emmie and Jeff can fall in love with any dog on any given day, but I’m the more cautious one, and just feel a lot of pressure to find the best doggie to add to our family!

We took a quick trip to Target afterwards, for Emmie to spend a little bit more of her birthday money. She spent $10 at the market this morning, and then $10 at Target this afternoon. We had a conversation with her first about spending, saving, & tithing, and she was so sweet about it. She got $40 for her birthday, so she decided to save $5, give $5 at church, and spend $30, and I was so proud of her for that plan!

Nana came to meet up with us for an early dinner at Jason’s Deli, where we all loaded up at the salad bar, and ordered some extra soups and sandwiches and plenty of those tiny muffins. PopPop showed up to surprise us towards the end of the meal too, and Addie just talked everyone’s ears off, and made me laugh so hard I was wheezing, with all her funny faces and stories.

We went home for bath time and bedtime after dinner, and these girls were tired after such a busy Saturday. Emmie fell asleep in her bed very quickly shortly after she had climbed in. And sweet little Addie Pie fell asleep right there on the couch, using a pillow as a blanket.

It was a really great, fun day with our little family, but obviously very busy! Last night, when we were discussing our plans for the day, I knew it was going to be jam-packed, and decided to make a shared Google Keep note and added Jeff to it, so we could keep up all day, since I knew he’d never be able to remember everything 😉 It worked out great having the Saturday schedule to reference throughout the day, and keep us on track.

And we did everything we planned to do, except the very last thing we had planned. I was going to take some maternity shots of Meg, with the rest of her fam, but the rain ruined that. We’re going to try to do a rain check and reschedule for tomorrow, if the rain doesn’t mess us up again!

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