Road-Side Peaches

We got moving a little earlier today than the last couple of days, because I was in desperate need of a pedicure. I had planned to go by myself, but Miss Emerson just could not be left at home.

So she went with me, and just sat in the chair next to me, playing with the small quiet toys she had packed for herself. I went to the salon my mom and sister both go to, and had a great nail tech, who really took his time and care with everything. The last pedicure I had, at a different place, was terrible and rushed and she made me bleed, and so I’ll never go back to that one!

We ran a few errands after the nail salon, and stopped at this road-side stand on Thomasville Road for some fresh peaches, from a super nice guy.

Another stop at Marshall’s to pick out a new water bottle for Emerson for the new school year. She found one she liked, and also begged for this ridiculous thing, which I definitely did not get for her…

Then Jeff and Addie came to meet up with us, plus Nana for lunch at Blaze Pizza. I made an absolutely delicious build-your-own pizza, with sausage, ricotta, mozzarella, red onion, roasted garlic, basil, topped with pesto & balsamic drizzle. It was super flavorful and sooo good.

Emerson wanted her new favorite – ham & pineapple – and Addison requested meatballs, after seeing them up on the menu board.

She sat here eating like this for a few minutes, just popping bite after bite into her little mouth, enjoying her lunch and looking adorable.

At lunch, we mentioned we were going to hit up the nearby Goodwill since we were on that side of town, and Nana decided to join us there for some thrifting. We actually did really well there today, and found a leotard (that’s too big, but she can grow into it, for only $3), plus a few skorts, and a dress, and even a few newborn onesies I got for Megan’s baby boy.

We had a little bit of time to kill after shopping before picking up our Walmart grocery order, so Emerson suggested we made a quick trip to the library. She was really excited to find a fun little summer reading scavenger hunt around the kids’ section, finding pictures scattered around on the walls. And then once she found them all, she got to pick a prize from the treasure box.

And of course we had to check out a few library books while we were there too.

Jeff had taken Addison home after lunch, and got her down for a nap. So Emerson and I picked up our groceries, got everything put away, and then had some quiet time. I kinda accidentally fell asleep on the couch for about an hour.

Jeff got our little backyard pool up and ready for us, once we were all awake, and the girls got changed into their suits. We thrifted Emmie’s rash guard yesterday, and it’s so cute! We only lasted about 20 minutes outside before the super dark sky started raining down on us, so we retreated back indoors. Dark, rainy summer afternoons are one of my favorite things though, all warm and cozy and dry inside, so I enjoyed that time just watching tv, hanging out with our little family.

I was just taking a picture of our beautiful banana plants, so pretty and green and summery, but you can also see how dark the sky was starting to get in the background…

I had been craving homemade burgers for a couple of days, and we hadn’t yet had any over this long 4th of July weekend, so tonight was finally the time. Jeff actually grilled these for us outside, and then I just put everything together. I had made the pasta salad earlier this afternoon, so everything just had to be plated up for dinner time.

The girls played sweetly for a long time while Jeff was grilling, and I was washing dishes, and then for a long time after we ate as well. After dinner, we watched a bunch of videos on YouTube from both the first and second “Sister Act” movies, and the girls just ate it up and danced and clapped along, while I sang and did a crossword puzzle.

The girls are both sound asleep by now, so I’m either going to do my nails, start a new puzzle, start a movie with Jeff, or maybe some combination of all of those things.

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