Pumpkin Pancakes

So every Monday morning for the last month or so, I send my parents one of these screenshots. They pray together (with my grandmother) at breakfast every morning, and they always pray for the baby, and need to be updated on its new fruit or veggie each week. So this week, Baby is a lime!

I had my three-hour glucose test first thing this morning, so Jeff took Emerson to school today. Jeff picked out her dress, and she picked out her own socks and shoes, and wow what an outfit! But so cute!

And she had that crazy hair, leftover from her crazy hair-do all day yesterday.

I checked in at the lab at 7:30, had my first blood draw, and then chugged this little bottle of sugar water around 8am (on an empty stomach, since it’s a “fasting” test). Then for the next three hours, I went out to my car to read, coming back inside for another blood draw every hour, for three more draws total. I got about 30% in to my new book, did my makeup, dreamed about lunch and water, and finally finished up around 11:30am.

So I finally made it to work at noon, and then had a short half day of work. I picked up Emerson after school and work, and as soon as we got home, we all put on our tennis shoes and went on another short little 20-ish minute walk before dinner.

Then Jeff did Emerson’s bath time, while I got dinner ready.

I made pumpkin pancakes and sausage, and it was really yummy. I made myself one special pancake with dried cranberries and pecans in it, and that was super yummy.

We had some family cuddle time on the couch after dinner watching Paw Patrol, and it was just a really sweet little lovey cuddly time.

We had an easy, smooth bedtime, and although she tried to tell me she wasn’t tired, she yawned about 30 seconds later, and I proved that she was. While I was doing lullabies, she leaned down and put her hand on my stomach, and asked, “Is my baby still in there?” I assured her that the baby was still there and would be there for a while. She thought about it for a minute, and then asked, “Is she going to live in Tallahassee?” I get said, “Of course baby, she’s going to live here in our house with us!” She was glad to hear that, and then settled down to go to sleep. 😊

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