Planetary Picnic

This morning was sleepy and chaotic at the same time. We all slept late and had a hard time getting up and around to get ready for school and work. Emmie even bonked into the door frame (loud enough that I heard it from down the hall), and needed some ice on her forehead.

She was perfectly fine though by the time she got to school, ready for the day!

And we’re currently taking sponsorships for the school book fair, that they set up in the daycare lobby and we have to walk through twice a day 🤣

I loved this little poem on the Goodwill bookstore sign, so I had to take a super-zoomed photo while sitting at the red light.

Addie practicing her letters again at school this morning.

Jeff came by my office and picked me up around 10:45, because we had a fun special lunch with our biggest girl today! Her “gifted” class, which they call Creative Academics, did a fun little presentation/play/poem about Pluto and the planets. They were each assigned a planet to draw, that they then wore around their neck on a string, and they all had little lines to say at the right time.

It’s a little garbled on the video, but she did a great job saying her cute little line, “These feelings warm me to the core.”



Then after the planetary play, we were invited to stay for a planetary picnic. I ran out of time during our crazy morning to pack lunch for all of us from home, so we just got Jimmy John’s instead. It was a beautiful day, and it was absolutely perfect to sit outside and eat with our girl and her friends. One of her little besties Margaret & her parents sat with us, and they were so cute together. They are also in a self-started “rock club” in after care, so they had plenty to discuss and plan together.

And while we were at the school for lunch, one of my old college besties Kaley texted me to see if we had plans tonight. They live in Tampa but her and the kids had evacuated up here to her uncle’s house in Tally. So we ordered some pizza and her and the kids came over to play, and it was so perfect and lovely. She has two 7-year-old twins, and also a 3-year-old daughter, so all the kids were the same ages and they all instantly got along and played together perfectly.

We had dinner on the back porch and let the kids run wild in the backyard until we started getting taken over by mosquitos. Then we let the kids go off and do their own thing while we just sat and talked about anything and everything for a couple of hours. It was after 9pm by the time we decided that kids had stayed up late enough, and we needed to wrap things up. Addie didn’t feel like smiling in our picture, but she did at least allow sissy to hold her, so was in he photo, if nothing else.

It was just such a pleasant, fun evening together catching up and letting our kids all just play together and entertain each other. We actually decided we need to do a friend-cation or something together next summer because it was just so fun and easy and all our kids are the same ages and got along so well tonight. So crossing fingers that pans out, because it would be so great!

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