Pasta with Peas

After a great day off school yesterday, although Emmie wasn’t excited about P.E., she was actually ready to get back to school today.

Addie had a great drop-off with me at daycare, and Emmie had a great drop-off with Daddy at school.

We got just one cute picture of Addie Pie today, but when I got there to pick her up after work, her teacher said she had a great day.

I made an easy, halfway made up pasta dish for dinner, creating a sauce out of Boursin cheese, parmesan cheese & some of the starchy pasta water. With plenty of sautéed onion, bacon bits, frozen peas, and fresh garlic; and then I ended up adding a diced roma tomato at the end too.

Jeff was outside mowing the front yard, but the girls and I had a great dinner just the three of us, and all of us ate every bite of our meal.

And of course we had to go outside and check on his progress, and Emmie wanted to go run around in the lines he was mowing.

I took the girls back inside and got them in the bathtub to get them cleaned up and ready for bed. We went out one more time to see the finished front yard, and the grass looked so nice, and the sky was so pretty.

Both girls were sleepy and easy to get down tonight, after going through our usual routines.

I need to go wash as many dishes as I can (after things have been piling up lately) so I’m going to finish up the last 40-ish minutes of my audio book, and hopefully I’ll have ALL the things completely cleaned up and ready to go for tomorrow. I’m going to get the dishes done, the sippy cups ready, Emmie’s bento box washed, the coffee pot set up, the counters wiped, and maybe light a candle before settling down to relax a bit.

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