Pancakes, Pony Rides & Pumpkins

We decided to go out to breakfast for a treat today. We hadn’t been to Woodchuck’s in literally years, so we went back today, and it was great. They had coloring books & crayons for the girls and I loved coloring with them too. And of course the breakfast we delicious!

I got sweet potato pancakes today, and although I ate all my eggs & bacon, I could only eat half of these very delicious, very dense, very filling pancakes.

We ran back home for a quick minute, and to get Addie dressed in real clothes instead of her jammies. And then it was time to head out for some activities, and Addie was like, presenting Pennie out in the backyard, when we went out to the car.

We went out to meet up with Grammy and Papa again for another fun fall festival morning, at a church out in their neighborhood on Bannerman. They had tons of pumpkins, and short little pony rides, and a few games scattered about to play.

We did pretty much everything at the festival in a little less than an hour, so we went across the street to the Tekesta playground, and let them have fun and play there for a long time.

We finally went over to Chick-fil-A for a late lunch like after 1pm, and of course they girls had to go play in the play-place there too.

Lunch was so busy and slow (and Addie took a thousand years to eat her ice cream), so by the time we got back home and I fought Addie to sleep for her nap, it was like 3:15. So Emmie and I had a few minutes of quiet rest time, finished up our grocery list, and then headed out to Aldi, and left Jeff at home resting after he finished up more car work this morning.

We got all our groceries put away (I literally, purposefully bought enough for two weeks, so it was a lot of food), but then I realized I never got around to washing dishes today and did not want to cook and add to that mess. So we decided to treat ourselves to another meal out tonight for dinner. The girls grabbed some books for the car, and we headed to try out a new restaurant on Pensacola Street, called Empaisana’s.

It’s a new Columbian food restaurant, and everything was delicious. They also have a great outdoor seating area, with lots of space for the girls to dance and play. It was more expensive than we realized it was gonna be, but the atmosphere was great and our server was incredible and so sweet. I loved my little taconada’s with chimichurri steak, and Jeff loved his super meat-filled arepa.



We did a super quick bath time once we got home, because those girls were a mess after all of our outside time today Dirty little fingers and toes and lots of tangles in their little hairs. They were both exhausted though too after all that play time today, so everyone fell asleep easily.

I need to re-do my nails tonight before church tomorrow, and I’ll just save all the dish-washing nonsense for tomorrow… Today was such a beautiful day, with perfect Florida fall weather, full of family and fun and lots of good food. Thankful for Saturdays like this one!

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