New Peace Lily

We had one more box of Trader Joe’s chocolate croissants in the freezer, so I proofed them over night, and baked them this morning. I also made a pot of Lucky Goat coffee I bought from a coworker for her kids’ school fundraiser. We decided to save it for the weekends and make it our “Saturday coffee,” to really make the most out of it.

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Final Day in the Studios

As much as we’ve missed having Emerson with us at morning drop-off this week, Addison has done such a good job all on her own. I guess it was a little preview for the fall, when Emmie moves to kindergarten. Yikes, that’s too much to think about. But back to Addie, she was adorable and so sweet this morning.

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Strawberry Shortcake

Emerson wore a super cute dress she got for her birthday last year (size 4 that just now fits), and Addison wore a new dress she got for her first birthday (size 6-9m), and the one of her friends gave her this hand-me-down sweater in church this morning. (Or at least that’s what she said, but I need to text some moms to confirm that… 😉 ) And both girls just looked so stinking cute! We’ve been calling Addison “Strawberry Shortcake” all day long, which is cute because she is a little shortcake!

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