Clean & Cozy

Since Jeff still wasn’t feeling well this morning, I was in charge of all the things and all the girls again this morning all by myself. So I made the coffee, washed Addie’s cups for school, took the trash & recycle cans to the road, showered & dressed myself, dressed both girls, and then took them both to school. I was feeling quite accomplished! (But I was 30 minutes late to work… scheduling-wise, there’s just no way to get them both to school, and myself to work by 8am, but that’s fine, it’s not a big deal.)

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Afternoon Scones

I am unbelievably tired tonight (I was falling asleep on the couch at like 7:30, with “Chip & Potato” on Netflix and the girls wandering all over the place), so this is a very bare-bones post… We started our day with our current favorite homemade oatmeal, then dropped of a box of donations at Goodwill, and picked up our Walmart groceries.

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Let’s Grow Together

Today was the first time ever that I’ve had to get both girls dressed and ready for school all by myself, and get them both to their separate schools. And we did a great job getting ready and out the door! And look at these two cuties, just casually holding hands in the car together 🙂

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