Sleepover at our Neighbor’s House

Sooo this is a double post for Thursday and Friday, because of some weird events on Thursday night. But first, even though Addie was a bit grump at home for sister pics, she was happy by the time we made it to school. And Emmie was excited to wear her class tshirt, because their class sang the school song for the rising kindergarten orientation.

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The Tooth Fairy’s First Visit

The Tooth Fairy made a visit to our house last night! Supposedly, some of her friends have gotten $5 for one tooth already, but that’s a bit too rich for our blood, so $2 is more our speed…. 😉 But she was so excited and already asking to go to the Dollar Tree, wondering what she would get. She also decided she would write her a letter next time, to tell her she loved her, and she felt sure the Tooth Fairy would write her a letter back.

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First Pedicure at the Salon

We’ve had such a great Saturday! We started with egg sandwiches at home first. Then Emerson and I met up with other GC Girls & moms at the nail salon! This was Emerson’s very first real pedicure at the salon (not just our at-home ones), and we got to have our pedicures side-by-side, and we even chose the same matching purple color for our toes.

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Chain of Parks Art Festival

You guys, my blog is finally back! It was down for about 9 days, and as much as I enjoyed the little break this past week, its good to be back to our regularly scheduled programming 🙂 I made a little collage of each day that I missed blogging, so here’s one quick, list-style paragraph about each day we missed…

Last Friday: had the day off work, went to the library, got a taro boba bubble tea, had dinner with Jeff’s parents on Ryan’s last night with us, at Tour of Italy, and had the biggest plate of chicken parm ever (of which I could only eat half), and we went to Good Friday Night of Worship at GC.

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Pocketful of Sunshine

I was at church by 8am today for praise team, Jeff got himself and the kids ready for church, and then they were there at 8:30 for him to volunteer for the tech booth in kids church. And we had former MLB player from both the Yankees & the Mets, Darryl Strawberry, for a guest speaker today, and he was a great speaker with an incredible testimony.

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