Espresso Patronum
So Jeff actually took these morning sister pics today, and apparently Emmie was a little hangry, and worried about getting to school on time, so she wasn’t in the mood for photos.
So Jeff actually took these morning sister pics today, and apparently Emmie was a little hangry, and worried about getting to school on time, so she wasn’t in the mood for photos.
These were two very smiley girlies first thing this morning! And both looking so cute in “new” dresses. Emmie’s is actually new, but Addie’s is a hand-me-down from big sister. I just pulled out a box full of 3T clothes the other day, so she’s got lots of “new” outfits now.
Clouds & Axolotles Read More »
Another Monday, another week of school and work and the regular routine. Cutie little Emmie in a new skirt, and cutie little Addie in a dress she picked out for herself.
Jeff and I both had to be at church early this morning – he was serving on the tech team in “big church,” and I served in GC Kids today.
Sweet girlies in new matching little t-shirts we got at Walmart a couple of weekends back. I don’t know why Addie wasn’t smiling in this first picture, but she was actually happy and sweet.
Let’s Play Mermaids! Read More »
Today was spirit day for both girls, so we picked out school shirts for both (that just so happened to be Christmas colors). Emmie was wearing a new Gilchrist shirt that goes with this year’s rodeo/western theme, and sporting a gigantic hair bow she convinced her Daddy to buy for her at orientation.
Reading Recap & Book Club Read More »
I took a more pictures than usual before school this morning, and then almost no other pics the rest of the day…
Both my little girlies were looking sporty this morning, ready again for another day at school!
After a very big, and very busy summer (her first time going away to camp, her first night away from family, passing the swim test at summer camp, & so much more), we finally made it to 2nd grade! She was up and at ’em bright and early, got herself dressed, told me how she wanted her hair, and when I told her I liked her shoes, she was like, “And get this – the socks match!”
Emerson’s First Day of 2nd Grade! Read More »