Still obsessed with my homemade orange marmalade, and eating it as often as I can. So obviously I had it for breakfast this morning. Jeff actually went back to work today, but the girls were still out of school, so I worked from home while taking care of them.
They were actually really good today too, and did a great job playing together and entertaining themselves, without much from me. Like, for instance, they “played gymnastics” for a long time, with Addison wearing one of Emerson’s old ballet leotards, and Emerson coaching her saying “You’ve got this! Stay calm & controlled!” And she did in fact teach her to do a forward roll! (We were recently given a free trundle bed, so that’s part of the furniture rearranging we’re working on, which is why there’s a mattress on the floor in Addie’s room.)
They also spent some time “listening to audio books” on Emerson’s “cell phone,” all cuddled up in the pile of stuffed animals currently in the dining room.
Eventually, I was able to sign out of work a little bit early today, in order to take Emerson to the first gymnastics class of the new spring session, which started today. I remembered to charge & bring Addison’s Kindle with us so she could watch it and hopefully not get too antsy. But that lasted all of like 10 minutes before she was antsy and didn’t want it anymore… But we still enjoyed watching Emmie practice her gymnastics!
This was also the first time we had left the house since Tuesday. And even though we still have ice & snow in our own yard in the shady spots, it was still absolutely WILD to see it out and about all over town as we drove to the gym. There are still big piles and areas like this everywhere, that’s still so hard to resist playing in!
We had to do some driveway activities once we got home, to get some fresh air and get rid of some wiggles. It was still just so stinking cold though, and my hands and face could only take so much! We didn’t stay out long anyways, because I had pizza in the oven, so we went inside for an early-ish dinner.
Look at this beautiful book I finally got in the mail today! This is the third book in the series, and I pre-ordered it on Amazon ages ago. It was supposed to be delivered on publication day, which was three days ago on Tuesday. But my delivery was delayed because of the silly ice storm. But it finally came today, and I’m very much looking forward to getting started on it soon. (As soon as I finish the other two Kindle books I’m currently in the middle of.)
We spent more time working on cleaning Emerson’s room again tonight, and now we finally have the entire collection of all of her stuffed animals out in the dining room. She’s already put together one bag to donate, but we still need to look through these one more time to see if there are any more we can part ways with. She did get one of those hanging nets for stuffies for Christmas though, so that will be a great place for a lot of these.
Pennie was looking so cute on the couch, all covered up in my penguin blankie.
Surprisingly, Emerson wanted Daddy cuddles tonight, and Addison actually wanted Mommy, so after a partial bedtime routine with each of our girls, we swip-swapped and I got Addie to sleep, while Jeff got Emmie to sleep. Both are snoozing soundly now, so I’m gonna grab my coffee gelato from last night (I ate less than half last night), and we’ll watch some more of the second movie of the Hobbit.
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