Our 11th Anniversary!

(This post is for Saturday, 10/5/24.)

We started the morning with egg sandwiches, with the eggs my coworker gave me last week from her backyard chickens. And these were gooood eggs.

Then the girls and I got dressed and ready for the day, and we left Jeff to do errands like pick up our groceries and mow the yard.

We met up with my parents at the sidewalk sale at Rabbit Creek market, and spent over an hour wandering around and looking at all the nice consignment goodies and knick-knacks and such. I didn’t take any pictures there, but I did make a cute TikTok video of some of the fun things we liked. I bought that tobacco basket in the very last clip, for only $6!



Then we went to the pumpkin patch church on the corner of Capital Circle and Mahan, for the girls to do a few games and activities, and to pick out some pumpkins.

These funny little pumpkins looked kinda of like mushrooms, and they were kind of adorable but also kind of freaked me out a little.

Then we had lunch at Chow Time, where the girls both chowed down on their food and ate way more than even we expected.

We made a quick stop at Emmie’s friend Cora’s house to drop off some gifts for her before her surgery next week. She’s having the same open-heart surgery next Wednesday that Emerson had when she was only 3, so we got her some things to take to Jacksonville with her.

We got the girls down for a nap when we got home, and kept working on a few chores, like I did dishes and Jeff finished up outside. Eventually, we got the girls in the bath when they were both awake, and then Jeff and I took turns showing as well. The girls’ favorite babysitter Miss Ary came over in the early evening to take care of them, so that Jeff and I could go out on a date night, for our 11th wedding anniversary!

We started by doing an appetizer at Harry’s, which is our favorite and it’s nostalgic for us, as we ate there the night we got engaged, and have eaten there on many special occasions since then too. Plus, we always have coupons and we used one of those for some blue crab claws 😉

Then we decided to branch out and try a new (to us) restaurant for dinner, at Liberty. I ordered the steak frites & Jeff got fish & chips, and both of us loved our meals so much. I’m pretty sure Jeff actually finished his meal, but I was way too stuffed to finish everything, so I focused on eating the whole steak and as much of the fries & salad as I could but couldn’t finish.

We had such a fun time talking about anything and everything and just feeling light and free, and kid-free honestly. We just don’t do these date nights without the girls often enough, but we’re extremely grateful for the times when we’re able to. It was fun to do our own thing and just waste time without a schedule to keep or anything to worry about. (Also, going to these nicer restaurants during a home football game is the move, because they were both empty and so laid-back without being crazy crowded like usual.)

We had a long leisurely dinner, without having to rush through eating to keep the girls entertained or rush home for dinner. We purposefully stayed out long enough to let them have fun playing at home, and for the babysitter to do bedtime, so we got ourselves a break from that whole routine 😉 The girls were sleeping soundly in their own beds when we got home, so after chatting with Ary for a little bit, I drove her back home (she lives only 4 minutes from us, but she doesn’t drive). Then we watched a little bit of the first Harry Potter movie, until I inevitably fell asleep on the couch.

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