Orange Marmalade

We had a second work from home / snow day today, but today wasn’t quite as fun and exciting as yesterday. It was still super cold, but we didn’t have a beautiful layer of white ice & snow to play in anymore. We did however have delicious homemade orange marmalade on hot buttery biscuits for breakfast.

While I spent the day working on my laptop on the dining room table (which was not fun, might I add), Jeff and Emerson got started on a big new project in her room. Long story short, we are doing some furniture swapping, but to get started on that, we have to do a deeeeep clean (and purge) of Emmie’s room, so they spent a while starting on that. Part of that meant moving all of her stuffies out, so she piled them in a big mountain on our bed. (Sadly, this is not even all of them…)

Her room is basically always messy, so this is a great motivator to really get in there and get things taken care of, before we start the furniture rotations…

In other random news, I recently found Taylor Swift’s original self-titled debut record on vinyl for super cheap, still wrapped in plastic and everything. But I’m not a keep-it-wrapped-in-the-plastic type of collector, so I busted it out and listened to it today!

For my afternoon snack, you could probably guess – I had a giant iced coffee and some orange marmalade on toast. Yummmyyyy

Found Addie and Pennie being cute together in the chair by the front windows with beautiful afternoon sunlight streaming in on them both. 

And as I finished up my last 30-ish minutes of work this evening, I enjoyed the sun streaming in low enough to actually hit my face as well.

I made chicken nuggets and rice for dinner for Jeff and the girls, but turned it into a giant buffalo chicken salad for myself instead.

We spent a little more time working in Emerson’s room after dinner, and moving all the stuffed animals off of our bed. We still have one more snow day tomorrow, because schools are still closed for a third day in a row. The State offices are open though, so Jeff will be going into work, and I’ll be working from home again, even though the girls will be here, so we’ll see how that goes!

For now, it’s time for this little treat Jeff picked up for me when he ran to Publix for Sudafed earlier today, while we watch the second Hobbit movie.

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