New Swimming Mask

We had a pretty chill, restful day yesterday, so I took the day off from blogging as well. It’s nice to do that every once in a while 🙂 This morning little baby sister “Bingo” (she’s Bingo, an Emmie is Bluey) was ready to go to school in her Bluey outfit!

And she wanted me to take her picture with Olaf again when we got inside.

Emerson left her little Pretzel doggie tucked into her sleep mask, to rest for the day on the living room chair 🙂

Then her and Daddy had to pick up a new mask for summer camp, because we think we left her other one at Grammy’s this weekend. But this made her happy to get a new one!

I shared my June reading wrap-up on socials today. I didn’t have a particularly big reading month, but 4 of the 6 were 4 stars, so that’s a pretty good average of books I really liked!

Emerson is doing night-time VBS at Nana & PopPop’s church this week, including dinner there first. Here she is with some friends at snack-time towards the end of the evening.

Jeff worked late, so it was just me and Addie Pie for dinner at home tonight. I made myself a garlic & parm chicken nugget wrap with fresh lettuce, tomato, onion & sweet pickles, and it was really delicious. Addie just wanted a “snack plate,” so that means I tear up a piece of cheese and slice of turkey, plus some goldfish & fruit, and she tears it up! Also, hooray for leftover mermaid party plates, which means fewer dishes to wash this week.

We watched “Trolls: Band Together” while eating dinner, and then she snuggled up next to me, meowing like a kitty cat and being so cute and silly.

I started working on my puzzle a little bit once Jeff got home and Addie was all snuggled up with him. I’m still just slowly working my way around, trying to connect all the edges. You can see, I did get a few pieces placed on the edge, plus the majority of the open-face lime on the side.

Jeff got Addie to sleep through their usual bedtime routine, while I was getting started on this post. Addie’s in her bed now, and Emmie should be home soon. (Nana is bringing her home to us tonight.)

I’m going to work on my puzzle some more, and my goal for tonight is to finish up the edges. Then I also need to paint my nails, and I guess I’m just gonna not worry about the dishes from the past couple of days 😉

Update – my sweet girl is home and so sleepy!

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