Mums for Mama

We’re bringing back the cute little matching fall dresses from last year, since my tiny girls can still wear the same dresses from last fall 🙂

So much love for these five sweet cousin girls!

I was helping out in GC Kids today, doing alllll sorts of duties, like check-in, counting offering (one kid brought in over $32 in coins, which I had to count!), doing all the pics & videos for socials, and awarding points for kids who brought Bibles and took lesson notes. It was a busy morning!

And Jeff was working on the tech team booth in the back, running lights for “big church.”

Loved hearing what my littlest girl was learning about in her preschool room today! Her “Faith Fact” today was “I will hold tight to Jesus!!”


We did a quick lunch at Publix after church (subs for Jeff and I, and a shared Chinese meal for the girls), and then ran back home to get Addison down for her nap time. Emerson and I put together a little video about sponsoring her in the church fun run next week!

On Sunday, October 6th, Emerson, will be participating in our children’s ministries’ annual Fun Run for Missions. She is looking for sponsors to help us reach her goal of $500, and our overall goal of $10,000. All proceeds from this event will help us fund a missions project to Kenya next summer! To sponsor Emerson, visit, select BGMC on the dropdown menu, and put Emerson’s name in the memo box. Thank you for helping Emerson shine the light of Jesus to the world!




After editing the video and getting it shared online, eventually, I fell asleep for a little afternoon couch nap. I woke up just in time to get dressed for dinner, and run out the door with Emerson. (Jeff and Addie were too slow to wake up, so they came a few minutes after us.) Emmie and I stopped at Publix to grab flowers and a birthday balloon for Grammy, to go with the gifts we got her yesterday, and then we met the whole family up at Red Elephant for Grammy’s family birthday dinner.

We forgot to give the girls their nightly sleepy gummies, and by the time we realized it was already 9pm and they were still wide awake and flopping around very much not sleepy. So we got their gummies and let them watch a boring lawn-mowing video on YouTube with Daddy while I’ve been writing this. That was about 25 minutes ago, so hopefully they’ve just fallen asleep on the couch by now, and we can carry them off to their bedrooms.

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