Look at my pretty girls, just as happy as ever! We pulled a box out of Emmie’s closet the other day, full of hand-me-down shoes in some bigger sizes that should fit her now and for the new few months. She was particularly excited about this pair of hot pink Nike sneakers, and I much preferred these over the light-up, sparkly, Paw Patrol ones 😉
On the way home from school, Emerson was making all sorts of silly noises and stuff, and Addison was just constantly giggling. At a stop light, I recorded a little bit of it, and baby laughs are just the best thing ever.
While I cooked dinner tonight, Jeff grabbed Addie and took her outside to watch Emmie play in the back yard.
I made had an idea to make some Greek-inspired chicken burgers, so looked up a few recipes online, thought about what I had in my kitchen, and then kinda made up my own version. And this turned out soooo good! I loved it!
She wasn’t so sure what to do with the bit of potato we gave her…
And Emmie didn’t end up liking dinner, so we just made her a PB&J instead… :/
Emmie ate her PB&J at the coffee table, while I fed Addie a bottle and we all watched “Abominable.”
We could tell Addie was super sleepy, so I passed her off to Jeff, and he put her in the Daddy-sleeper-hold, and she was out in minutes. We know the one specific position she likes best, and he puts out so much heat, he warms her up and she’s out so easy!
So while he held on to her for a little bit, I prepped tomorrow night’s dinner. I got everything sliced and diced and mixed up for crock pot pepper steak, and put it in a Ziploc, so that around lunch time, Jeff can just dump it all in the crock pot, turn it on high, and then dinner will be ready when I get home! Well, I’ll just cook some rice to go with it, and then dinner will be ready. Easy peasy. We’ll have to wait until tomorrow to say if it’s good or not, since I’ve never made this recipe before.
After Emmie “helped” me in the kitchen, she chose a snack, and then we went back to start the bedtime routine. Everything ran a little bit late tonight, and she stayed up later than usual, and had a rough time settling down, but finally, at almost 9pm, she laid down and fell asleep.
Baby Sister just barely woke up when I changed her diaper and put on her sleep sack, but once I laid her down in her bed, she rubbed her eyes, rolled over, and quickly fell back asleep.
I spent some time washing up dishes, putting away leftovers, and cleaning the kitchen, and I’ve been watching Netflix while writing this post. Jeff has been working on laundry throughout the day, and I think he’s got one more load to switch over tonight. Then, it’s time for some rest!
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