Honey in the Rock

This first photo is from last night after I finished writing yesterday’s post, and went to get in my bed with my girl. She was sound asleep, and Jeff said she had fallen asleep instantly, and hadn’t barely even moved in close to two hours. She and I both slept well together, only waking up once when she was thirsty.

She was still doing good this morning (and excited about this kids/family radio she found on her Kindle), but we let her stay home with Daddy and brothers today, just to be safe. It was making me extremely anxious thinking about her accidentally getting hurt at school, either by herself or another friend, so this seemed like the better option.

Addie had a good, easy drop-off, and was happy to walk around and see her teacher when we moved over to her classroom.

Then on my way out to my car, I saw Bo unloading the triplets, so I was very glad to get some extra hugs from them. And they were so sweet to ask about Emmie, because they were still so worried about her.

Emmie got to take it easy at home today, but that’s not really her style (she wants to be up doing ALL the things, ALL the time), but she made it through the day.

This was actually her pouting because we had told her she couldn’t build a fort, because I was worried about her going in and out under a blanket, possibly getting caught on the staples…

But Daddy put her in the stroller, and took her for a little walk around the neighborhood, and then visited with our sweet neighbors for a bit.

I ran home super fast on my lunch hour to see her and check on her with my own two eyes and hug on her myself. She ate leftover chicken & rice from last night, cleaned her plate, and then asked for seconds and cleaned up that whole plate as well.

I’m embarrassed to even show how crazy Emmie’s room is right now, but she was in there playing doctor today.

I went and picked up Addison from school, and found her wearing this bright orange basketball onesie, because she had an accident and didn’t have an extra change of clothes of her own, so this is just something random from the school, and she looked like a little basketball boy, instead of my petite little girl!

Nana made us a taco bar with yellow rice and black beans for dinner at their house tonight, which was really yummy. And Addison ate more rice than you could believe.

Sitting at the stoplight on our ride home, listening to “Honey in the Rock” for about the 50th time in the past week. We listen to it on repeat a lot, and then she’ll ask to hear it again, and she just sings along the whole time. So tonight when we got home, I asked if she would sing it for me to video her, and she agreed, and this was the sweetest thing.





Daddy was ticking Addie’s little ribs and making her giggle and cackle and Emmie and I were just loving it watching them play and be silly.

Emmie asked to sleep in my bed with me again tonight, and Daddy agreed to let her. She did honestly sleep well with me last night, so hopefully she’ll sleep well again tonight, and then maybe we can move her back to her bed like normal tomorrow night.

Jeff got Addison to sleep while I went through Emerson’s bedtime routine. Now, he has been laying with Emmie again tonight while I wrote this post (and watched Survivor), so I’m heading back to crawl into bed with her now.


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