Hair Floof

Emerson was somehow looking a little bit too grown-up today, and Addison was just looking sweet, even with that side-eye in the second picture below 😉

So we have to pack Emmie’s lunch for summer camp every day (which we were familiar with for school, but got out of the habit when she decided she liked the cafeteria food, and so I made sure to add those things to our grocery order last weekend. But what completely slipped my mind was breakfast for her! We scrounged up some things the first two days, but it looks like she convinced her Daddy to get her a McGriddle on the way to camp this morning 😉

Cute little pictures of Addie from school today.

I loved Addie’s little hair floof when I picked her up from school this afternoon.

Jeff brought me dinner to the church which I scarfed down, and then he took the girls to dinner while I was at praise team practice, before they came back for Wednesday night service.

After church, Addison was incredibly happy and just hopping all over the place and chatting to everyone as we left. I tried to take this smiley picture of her with Jeff, but didn’t realize it was out of focus…

Sweet little girls loving each other before bedtime.

Her hair was so hilarious after we took down her little floof, I took like 10 pictures trying to get a good one to show how wild it was. And this was even after I brushed it!

A couple of weeks ago, I ordered some random stuff from a random website, and it all came in finally. Half of it is for Emerson’s birthday next month (the stuff on the right: pencil dress, boba stuffy, rainbow key chain, and kids’ chopstick-things), and then I got myself some earrings (that were each only like $1), and then some more stickers and matching dresses for the girls.

Emerson fell asleep super easily tonight, but Addison had to be held a little extra longer before she finally gave in. And man, am I exhausted tonight, so I’m heading to lay down on the couch with my fit up, and relax…


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