Grizzly Run & Book Fair

Today ended up being green t-shirt Friday, with Emmie wearing her 2nd grade class shirt, and Addie wearing her daycare shirt.

Emmie was wearing her class shirt today, because today was the Great Grizzly Run. They do a fun run for their school fundraiser, but since we just did a fundraiser for missions at church last week, and that was more important to us, I just gave her a $5 bill and called it good. But she had so much fun today, and she ran 52 laps! I have no idea how far that is, or how small those laps are, but she said she had a blast!

And Addie got a visit from the firetruck at school today, and even though she looks a little apprehensive, she said she had fun seeing it today!

Yesterday, I joked in the family group text and in my blog post that we would accept sponsorships for the school book fair, since we had to fight our way through there twice a day. And then this morning lo & behold, Grammy Venmo’d me some funds to let the girls pick out books!

We ran out of time to make our crock-pot meal for dinner tonight before we left the house. But Jeff went home on his lunch break to get everything thrown together for Swedish meatballs, and to grab a leotard for Emmie since she forgot it for gymnastics today. (By the way, Grammy took Emmie to gymnastics and then brought her back to meet us at daycare to pick up Addie.) So when we got home, it smelled amazing, and I only had minimal work left to do before it was all ready to eat.

I loaded my bowl down with a ton of mushrooms (I’m the only one that likes them), and we still had the IKEA lingonberry jam they serve in their cafe with their Swedish meatballs.

After we ate, Emmie asked me to come sit in the grass with her since the weather felt so nice and she just wanted to hang out together. She laid down and put her head in my lap for all of like 5 seconds, before she was up and wild and jumping rope and entertaining me.

Jeff had run out earlier to Walgreen’s to grab Sudafed (him and I both had sinus headaches today), and he found this ice cream there. And whoa it was delicious and amazing and I immediately popped onto the Walmart app to add a larger size to our grocery order, but they didn’t have it! So we’re gonna have to go back to Walgreens with some coupons or something to get a couple more of these.

Emmie read one of her new books aloud to me tonight at bedtime, and she was so cute about it. She actually did a great job with her tone and inflection and personality, and she was making us both laugh with the silly story.

The little girls wanted some extra cuddles for bedtime tonight, but they’re both asleep now, and just need to be carried to their beds. I only ate a few bites of that ice cream earlier, and shared a few bites with Addie, but I think I’m gonna go have some more and watch a movie…

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