This sweet nugget was so excited to go to school, she was literally running up to the front doors! I hate leaving her every single day, but I’m SO GLAD she likes her school, her teachers, and her friends.
Lunch today was leftover white chicken chili, and finally starting on a new library book. I’ve been in a weird reading funk, preferring mostly to listen to audio books, and choosing Netflix over a hardcover, but I’m hoping to get back into it, starting with the three I picked up the other day. I chose the shortest one to start with, hoping I can read it quickly, and snowball my motivation into the next, larger one.
I got a third monitor at my desk at work today, and now I feel like I’m piloting a space ship while I’m working…
After work, I picked up my sweet girl, and we headed home. Tonight was frittata night, and I was so excited to make it again! While I was cooking, Emerson sat at the counter, eating tons & tons of grapes! She told me at first that she didn’t like them, but I reminded her that she used to eat them all the time, especially when she went to Grammy’s house, and then she tried a few more, and then she ate a TON of them!
I did the exact same “fillings” as last time (onion, red bell pepper, sausage, spinach, & cheese), plus some bread & grapes on the side (even though they look like black olives). I will experiment with other filling options the next time, as you can mix it up with different meats & veggies, and it’s virtually limitless! I think a ham & cheddar cheese one would be really yummy.
I knew Emerson wouldn’t like the frittata, because of the green stuff in it, so I made her plate a little different, and she did well with it. I did give her a bite of frittata from my plate, and she liked it, but then when I cut her a tiny piece, she decided she no longer liked it. Which is what I figured would happen.
We had plenty of leftovers from the huge frittata, and we ended up with four pieces of leftovers. Jeff wasn’t sure he wanted to take any for lunch, so I texted my three friends at work to ask who wanted a piece, and they all said yes. So looks like I’m providing lunch our our little group tomorrow! I told them they should just bring fruit or bread to go with it 🙂
She wanted to brush Pretzel after dinner, and she did a decent job actually, but he definitely wasn’t into it so much…
After a little bit of play time in the living room, it was time for jammies. She wanted to watch two night-night videos in Mommy’s bed, and she wanted Pretzel to cuddle up with her.
I was clicking my tongue trying to get Pretzel’s attention for a picture, and instead she tried to copy me, and this is the face I happened to catch, which I think is hilarious.
While Emmie and Daddy were doing hugs and loves, he was blowing her hair out of her face, and they both thought it was hilarious. But Emerson also wanted Daddy to blow Charlie Brown’s hair too! I said, “he doesn’t really have hair,” and she was like, “yes he does, right here!” and pointed at his tiny little curly-q. And she’s not wrong of course!
We did another one of her Bible stories, and read about when the shepherd’s visited baby Jesus. Then she was a good little librarian, making sure all her books were organized and straightened up.
We did a quick video call with Grammy, Papa & Grandmommie right before lullabies, so she could confirm that Papa would pick her up from school on Wednesday, as a special treat. She was a little whiny when it was time for lullabies, but she went down after they were over, and she’s been quiet since then.
I got all the dishes washed (even though my Blue-Tooth headphones died & I couldn’t listen to my audio book) and the kitchen cleaned, and made a couple cups of tea. And now it’s time to chill out & relax!
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