French Toast Latte

We went out for a giant, special breakfast with Nana and PopPop this morning at Cracker Barrel this morning. And both these little cuties brought in their books with them; just like Mama, carrying books around with them…

They have this new fancy French Toast latte on their fall menu, and obviously I had to try it out. And it was so cinnamon-y and delicious.

And would you look at all this deliciousness?? There was sooo much food, we all left absolutely stuffed, and we were still able to bring home some leftovers.

After breakfast, we went home long enough to have the girls put on their bathing suits, and then headed across town to take them to a friends birthday party. It was supposed to be a bouncy house, but the rental place cancelled because of the sprinkles of rain, so they had a little slip n slide and some water balloons, and let the girls make friendship bracelets, with lunch and cake, and they had a great time!

I was also able to catch up with some old friends from our old church, and it was nice chatting and hanging out with them for a little bit!

We had some quiet rest time at home after the party – Jeff and Addie took a full on nap, and I fell asleep cuddled up with Emmie on the couch. Then I ran to Walmart to get our grocery pick-up order, and just barely missed the giant downpour of heavy rain. Jeff and Emmie both helped me get all the food put away, and the plastic bags wrangled (we always call Emmie the bag girl and she has to run around collecting them all while we purposefully scatter them around the kitchen), and then Emmie and I washed dishes side by side at the sink, with her on a stool to reach.

I wanted to try out a new recipe for a late-afternoon snack (since Jeff and I skipped lunch, after that huge breakfast), so Emmie helped me make this low-carb, high-protein, jalapeno popper chicken dip/salad thing. And, well, it wasn’t so great… Somehow, even with the jalapenos, it’s still a little bland. I think I might try adding in a ranch seasoning packet, and see if that helps.

This is still our favorite frozen pizza, and we eat it almost every Friday night. They only have three varieties – pepperoni, supreme, and three meat, and they’re all good and we rotate between them. My fave is the supreme, with the peppers and onions, cuz I love those veggies.

Nana stopped back by our house for a few minutes, after she went shopping this afternoon and picked up a few outfits for the girls that she found on clearance. We then got the girls into the bath and got the cleaned up and into some clean fresh jammies. That was of course followed by snacks and Bluey.

Oh, and Emmie got these books in the mail today, from the Freedom Island Book Club. Grandmommie signed her up, and she was so excited to not only receive her very own package in the mail, but for it to be a package full of books!

I started this puzzle over a week ago, but then we went out of town, and then we had a busy week, and so I’m just now getting back to it today. I spent a few minutes earlier finishing up the edge, and hopefully I’ll be able to work a few more pieces before bedtime.

Look at these two sweet girlies, all curled up and watching their bedtime show together.

And now that both the girls are in bed asleep, it’s time to get back to my puzzle a little bit!

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