Flu Shots & Ice Cream

Day seven of our advent calendar, and Emmie found Sheppy hanging out in a comfy chair, just chilling next to the Christmas tree.

She was a little bit sad at morning drop-off this morning, but she still went straight to Ms. Renee (without even crying), and it wasn’t too bad. As I was pulling out of the parking lot, I saw the Walker van pulling in, so I know she was excited to see all her babies, just a few minutes after I left!

She napped for almost two hours today, and it looks like she had a good day overall.

I am 16 weeks pregnant today, and Baby is the size of an avocado!

Jeff actually picked up Emerson from school early today, to take her to get a flu shot. He took her to the doctor’s office, they got in and out very quickly for her scheduled shot, and although there were definitely tears, he said she calmed down quickly. And of course Daddy took her for a special ice cream treat, as a prize for being so sweet and brave!

Apparently her feet were too hot in her boots though, so she had to take them off in the booth while eating her ice cream.

After the doctor’s office and the ice cream, they also made a quick visit to say hi to Nana & PopPop, and then ran into Publix for Jeff to get his flu shot, and grab a few things. So I got to head straight home after work, and I enjoyed almost 45 whole minutes all to myself, just reading in the quiet house, next to my beautiful Christmas tree.

I thought I was gonna make dinner tonight, but then we decided since Jeff was already at Publix, he could just grab some fried chicken dinners, for a whopping $5-ish per box. And that was a great idea. I shared my box with Emmie, and we still only ate about half of everything together. But it was delicious!

She requested a bubble bath tonight, and so she got lots of lavender nighttime bubbles and relaxed in her bath, to get some post-flu-shot pampering at the end of the day.

And I read some more of my book, while she just chatted away to herself, sang songs, and entertained herself for a while.

We put some lavender nighttime baby powder on, and some lavender nighttime baby lotion (for some more pampering), and got her dressed in a clean nightgown. She wanted some of the peppermint bark Nana shared with us the other night, so we got her a small piece for her to eat while we read her bedtime books.

We had another really rough bedtime, with whining and tears (and even some tears from Mommy too). We tried to talk it through together so I could understand why she was having such a hard time going to sleep lately, and she did talk to me and I tried to reassure her about the whole situation. But that girl is just very anti-sleep, and she just wants her Mommy all night long! We actually started bedtime earlier than usual tonight, so that if/when the whole bedtime routine took forever, she would at least get to sleep at a better time than the last few nights. It did work, and she was asleep by about 8:15-ish, rather than closer to 9:15-ish.

Once I finally got her settled, I made myself some tea (Jeff wasn’t in the mood for tea tonight), and stood at the counter reading my book while the water boiled and the tea steeped. And then once I got it all fixed up, I went back to the comfy chair by the Christmas tree, to finish up the last couple of pages! This is the 1994 movie-tie-in edition, and it was super short and abridged, but I still really enjoyed it. I haven’t seen either the 1994 version or the 2020 version, so I want to watch both of them in the coming month or so.

I’m heading to get changed into my jammies, and probably grab a snack, and then Jeff and I are gonna cuddle on the couch and fire up one of our favorite Christmas movies, “The 12 Dates of Christmas!” (Watch it on Disney+!)

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