Florida Fall

Once again this morning, Pennie tried to barge in on the sister pics, which always brings giggles and big smiles.

Had to get the girls dressed in pants again today, since it was literally like 43 degree this morning. Emerson was like, “Why is it so freezing? This is supposed to be fall and it’s way too cold for fall!” And I was like, “Um actually, this is what fall feels like for the rest of the country, just not Florida!” Unfortunately, we know it won’t last and it’ll warm back up again probably by this time next week.

These girls have been loving the whole one-car entire family drop-off’s in the morning, so they can get in their extra loves in the car drop-off line.

I wasn’t sure I had anything at home to bring for lunch, but I ended up finding this giant can of potato soup from Aldi in the cabinets at home, so I packed that. But I only ate about half (with a few drops of hot sauce), since it was so big. I also brought a few Hawaiian rolls, and a coworker had brought in cupcakes, so it turned out to be a pretty good lunch!

Then tonight for dinner was pork carnitas from Aldi with yellow rice & refried beans. Plus alll the toppings – salsa, sour cream, cheese, cilantro, pickled onions & cheese. I just realized I forgot the taco sauce though.

Jeff was outside working on the car again tonight, so I fixed him a plate, but he didn’t make it inside to eat until I was literally eating my last bite.

Then I made a super quick solo run to do a couple errands, while the girls stayed back to “help” Jeff work on the car. I was actually surprised Emmie didn’t wanna go with me, since she’s my little run-around-town-buddy. But I ran to Aldi for dog food (didn’t realize that we were out) because it’s a great price & very easy to get in & out (and I don’t feel unsafe there after dark like at Walmart), and then a quick run to Walgreens for kids melatonin (also didn’t realize we had run out), so we could get the girls to sleep.

By the time I got back, I stood there hold the flashlight for Jeff in the carport for a while, and then started working on getting the girls to sleep. It was a little later than usual, but I did successfully get them both to sleep by myself, while Jeff got finished and showered.

OK, and now I’m ready for some tv time on the couch.

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