Flavor Treasure

We still had six very delicious eggs left from my friends backyard chickens, so I made us all egg sandwiches for breakfast.

I put this caramelized onion chutney from Aldi on mine, and WOW so much amazing flavor.

We turned on “Sing” on Netflix (or wherever it was) and watched that whole movie and the girls were mesmerized and loved all the singing and dancing. Both girls wanted to cuddle up with mama, so I was having lots of loves and hugs, and then they were so sweet loving on each other too.

I may or may not have fallen asleep on the couch after the end of the movie, so Jeff let the girls go off and play in their rooms together for a while. Once I woke up, my girls were hungry again and ready for lunch, and so was I. So I heated up last night’s leftover Swedish meatballs for them and Jeff, and made myself another cottage cheese chicken parm bowl for my lunch.

Emmie got herself dressed and ready to go to a school friends’ birthday party, and wanted me to do her hair. The party was a jump jam at Urban Air, so she obviously needed a ponytail. But since we had some extra time, I tried out something new-to-us, and although not revolutionary, it turned out cute and she loved it! And, it stayed in great through the whole jump party.

Jeff actually took Emmie to the jump party, and I stayed home with Addie while she napped. I got her down to sleep about the same time that they left, so I was able to use those two hours to wash dishes, shower & shave, do my nails, and watch Survivor. Once Addie woke up, I put away some of her clean laundry in her room, and then started a teeny-tiny puzzle.

After the party, Jeff and Emmie went to Harbor Freight for some tools he needed to work on his car, and they also picked up our weekly grocery order from Walmart.

They got home shortly after I started my puzzle, so after getting all the groceries put away, we got back to work on the tiny puzzle, and I had a couple of tiny helpers.

The puzzle was so sun and easy, and there were so strange shapes that were interesting too. I took it apart for now, because I want to put it together another few times, but ultimately I plan to glue & save it and hang it up. I’m planning/collecting pieces for a vintage-inspired gallery wall in the hall by our front door (now that we cleaned it out a few weeks ago), and I think this funny little puzzle would be cute there.

And then I immediately got started on another puzzle. We’ve already done this one a couple of times recently, but it’s just so fun and quick and easy. After taking a puzzling break, I always like to do an easy one to get my puzzle motivation rolling again, before I open up a new, more complicated one.

We ordered Chinese take-out from a relatively new-ish place for dinner tonight, Flavor Treasure on West Tennessee. They’ve been open for a while now, but it was our first time ordering from them. It was about 6pm when we called in our order, and they were already slammed with orders. We ended up making our decisions on what to order, based on how long each thing would take, because they were so backed up that some of the things would take 70-90 minutes! We finally landed on the Szechuan-style shredded beef, Thai crispy chicken wings, and chicken lo mein. And all of it was absolutely delicious. We’ll definitely order again, we’ll just have to put in our order around 5pm next time, before they get too busy.

Daddy did in fact go back to Walgreen’s today to get more of that oatmeal cream pie ice cream, so Emmie had some of that for her dessert after bath time, while Bluey played and I worked on my puzzle.

Emerson was totally exhausted after her very busy, very active day, so she was asleep super quick and easy. Addison just wanted to lay with Daddy in the living room watching “mower-mower” videos (those videos of yard guys doing yard work on YouTube), until she finally gave up the fight and fell asleep.

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