Flagler Friends in the Forest

Emmie helped me make egg sandwiches for breakfast this morning, once we were all up and moving. (Even though I was first up with Addison around 5:50am…)


Then we ran to Walmart for a few things, and then picked up our normal grocery order after that.

We most certainly did not buy this gigantic $30 sloth, but Emerson of course did want us to…

We got all the cold groceries put away (well, the few that we got, although we were missing like 15 things; I already submitted a refund for those), packed up all the stuff we needed for the rest of the day, and hit the road for a short road trip…

We grabbed lunch at this random little roadside food truck The Lunch Box, and then took it for a picnic in the nearby Ponce de Leon State Park, in Ponce de Leon, Florida…

And met up with one of my best friends from college, Nicole! We both went Flagler College together, and our roommates were friends, and that’s how we met each other. Now here we are, almost 15 years later, both married with kids! She’s from Pensacola, but lives with her military hubby in Arizona, but is back in Pensacola for a month. It had been 5 years since we’ve been together, so we each drove 1.5-ish hours to meet halfway, and so it was so great but also crazy to be together, and with our kids! It was also the most beautifully perfect day for 3.5 hours hanging out in the Florida forest!

Graham is 3 months, and Addison is 6 months, but they’re roughly the same size 🙂

And this girl sat up by herself multiple times today! This is a big thing for her, and I was so proud!


Also, that park and the springs are absolutely gorgeous! It’s one of the smaller springs we’ve seen around Florida, but still beautiful, and we’ll probably try to come back again to swim next summer.

Addie needed a bottle before our drive home, so we stopped back by the Lunch Box for Jeff and Emmie to eat some ice cream, while I fed Addie a bottle, before we hit the road again.

Both girls slept the entire way home, and then we stopped at my favorite taco place, Taqueria Miranda, for tacos for dinner before heading to the house.

Funnily enough, I was in so many photos today, and Jeff was in almost none, which is usually the opposite, since I take all the photos. But him and I both got new Google Pixel 6 phones yesterday, and he’s in love with his and obsessed with the picture quality, so he was so on it today with all the photos. And I was so proud of him for that! Today was a really great day, and tonight we “gain an hour of sleep,” but we’ll see how that goes, with two littles in the house who don’t understand how time works… 🙂



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