Firefighters & French Fries

Crazy, excited eyes for big sister, and bird-loving heart eyes for baby sister. (She actually really does love birds!)

So over this first 9 weeks of school, our “homework” was to read every single night, either my reading to Emmie, or her reading to me. The actual goal was to read 25 books over the 9 weeks, but we’re over-achievers with our reading goals, so we upped it to make it our personal goal to read 50. The teacher even had to give us a second sheet, when we ran out of room on the first page. So this morning, Emerson read book #50 on the couch, while I got Addie ready for school. We’re proud of this little log, and the tiny reader I’m encouraging!

Daycare had a special visit from a giant firetruck and real-live firefighters today. Love seeing all those kiddos sitting and listening and watching so intently!

We got McDonald’s after picking up both girls, on the way to church. I dropped Emmie off at 6pm for kids choir, but Addie and I had a few extra minutes to finish eating in the car before I had to run inside for praise team rehearsal.

We had a good night at church, and then immediately started bedtime once we got back home. These two cuties were all cuddled up in my bed loving on each other, being so super sweet.

Bedtime actually went pretty well tonight, and they went down pretty easily, despite the late night after church. I did in fact end up starting a new fall-themed puzzle last night, and these two pictures are from last night.

There are 1000 tiny pieces, and it took forever to get them sorted and flipped over, so by the time I was ready to retire for the night,I didn’t even get the edges finished up. So I’m gonna attempt to finish that tonight, and hopefully I’ll get that done.

The last two times I’ve attempted a 1000-piece puzzle, I’ve ended up quitting after barely any progress, but I’m feeling more hopeful with this one, and determined to complete it! Think I can do it?! 😉

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