Today was our last full day of family vacation, so we tried to squeeze in some more time in nature. Bo took his girls on an early morning hike, and Jeff and I also took our girls out for a little hike by the river as well.

The trail we took was nice and easy, and had good river access for hopping from rock to rock, rock collecting, and playing in the water.

Stopped at a little overlook on the way back, to get one more panoramic view of the beautiful Great Smokey Mountains!

Bo and the triplets accidentally hiked like 5 miles today, and Meg, Hayden & the parents hit the outlets.

We had some quiet time when we got back to the cabin, with just our little four-fam, before everyone else made it back after their various morning activities.

Addie eating noodles for her second lunch….

And some more quiet time reading out on the porch in the sunshine.

Then while Jeff and addie, Bo and the trips were napping, me and emmie, Meg and the parents went out to hit up some more stores.

While we were out, we hit up the Black Rifle Coffee Co for an afternoon pick-me-up.

Bo was doing all the cooking and prep to have tacos for dinner, for our final fiesta. But then I forgot to take any photos of our last giant family dinner together. But then I had some nice little bonding time swinging with Hayden on the front porch.

All the girls got in the hot tub again one more time after dinner, before getting showered and ready for bed. We had a quick brownie for dessert before bedtime, and then all the littles went to sleep.

We spent a good chunk of time pre-and-post-dinner washing clothes and packing up all of our stuff, and even getting the majority of things loaded up into the trunk of the car. So then after the kids were asleep, the grown-ups stayed up a little too late, acting delirious, eating random snacks to get rid of leftover foods, and playing half a game of Phase 10. Meg was proud of herself for staying up past 10pm, and honestly we were proud of her too. We need to get some rest now though, so we can wake up early and hit the road back home to Florida!
Also, here’s a list of funny quotes Grammy has been keeping this week, with little to no context. Enjoy! 🤣

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