Fajita Nachos

Addison was adorable in her “baby soup,” very excited for water day at school. And Emerson was super cute in her overalls, ready for “hillbilly” day at summer camp!

When we got to school, Addie told me she wanted to walk in like a big girl, and carry her bag with the towel and t-shirt on her own.

I had taken some leftovers to the office for my lunch today. But when Jeff texted me at 11:55 asking if I wanted to go to Pedro’s with him instead, I just had to say yes to that invitation. We shared this giant platter of “locos nachos” with chicken, steak, shrimp & beans, and we asked them to add the sauteed fajita-style veggies, which they really delivered on.This was a huge plate of food, but it was amazingly delicious. I was stuffed when we finished!

Grammy picked up Emerson early from camp today, and took her to her gymnastics class. Even though we tried to thrift a new leotard last week, we were ultimately unsuccessful. (Well, we got one, but it’s too big; gonna save it for the future.) But Grammy was nice enough to order a few from Amazon last weekend, and it looked so cute on her today.

I had gone straight to the gym after work so I could watch the last half of the class. Jeff went to pick up Addison from daycare, and then we met up at McDonald’s for a quick, super cheap meal, because I just could not be bothered to cook tonight. (We fed all four of us for only $17 tonight. The trick, is both Jeff and I order on our apps, each for ourselves plus one kid, and then we can use more of the deals/coupons.)

By the time we got home, it was a little after 7pm, and both girls were tired. We got them changed and then just cuddled up on the couch for some Bluey. Emerson was actually super tired, and we barely even had to do our usual routine, before girlfriend was drifting off to sleep. And as always, Addison just needed a little longer, a little bit more snuggles, but she was asleep pretty quickly too. Heading to watch a movie with my hubby and work on my puzzle.

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